Saturday 17 March 2012

Ufologists Dr Michael Sallagreement With White House Et Denial

Ufologists Dr Michael Sallagreement With White House Et Denial

Forwarded slaughter


Date: Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 5:39 PM

Subject: Dr.Michael Sallas harmony next to Snowy Care for ET. denial.


On Friday, a enthusiast of the Snowy House's Field of Science and Technology Policy denied shield up evidence of contact next to extraterrestrials in effect to an online stipulate submitted to the Snowy Care for.

"The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists individual our planet, or that an extraterrestrial spirit has contacted or under enemy control any enthusiast of the human gallop," the deposition log on.

The effect directs petitioners on the road to a little projects meant at uncovering evidence of extraterrestrial life, in the company of the Mars Science Laboratory, the SETI Union and the Kepler spacecraft, but states the government has "no realistic evidence of extraterrestrial spirit all the rage on Go ashore."

This denial is not new of course, but what is new is that for Dr. Michael Salla, UFO examiner and forgotten educationalist at American University's Core for Corporation Treaty, government's findings is delightful identical and Exact.

"It's a very boring effect," he told The Article Caller. "All government agencies grip virtually tiring a complete line that introduce is no realistic evidence of extraterrestrial life having visited the earth. And that's been a delightful identical effect for the out of 50 excitement."

Dr. Salla claims that the Snowy House's effect isn't robotically dishonest: Further of the information is classified or has been turned over to inner recesses companies. Of course, as usual, Dr. Michael Salla didin't widen any evidence about all these last statements.

"The Obama administration's effect have to be whatever thing verge on what Feat Clinton did, which is to try to disclose out which agencies grip information.... I can tell from my research that the information has been step by step privatized, it's been put within inner recesses history the proprietary control of grave corporations verge on Boeing."

A number of insiders told us that Boeing and other corporations motion challenge the Exopolitician Dr. Michael Salla about this unendorsed collect.

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