Tuesday 21 February 2012

Orb Shaped Flickering Orange Light Over Broxburn Near Academy Uk

Orb Shaped Flickering Orange Light Over Broxburn Near Academy Uk
Date: Haul 6, 2010

Time: 9:20 p.m.

Sit of Sighting: Broxburn.

Quantity of witnesses: 4

Quantity of Objects: 1

Develop of Objects: Orb.

"Inclusive Version OF EVENT/SIGHTING": Broxburn state Academy: Saturday 6th of Haul 21:20. Two of us were authority faraway in the endorse garden (our house is on a hill overlooking the academe) when I saw what looked corresponding a pyrotechnics improvement up from the ground, it was between the A89 and the M8 in the restrain of Almond Basin. I would normally equate this to seeing the headlights of a absentminded car as it turned in my restrain, but the orb fashioned shining yellow light went upwards, off from the ground.

It definitely wasn't the emblem absentminded car headlights. I drew my fianc'ee's politeness and asked what she kindheartedness it was, she had no intent, but saw it as reliable as I did. We watched (it was in the south) as it raised up greater, guessing but most genuine about four hundred metres and subsequently it started to move towards us (due north).

I couldn't see any thriving or red or any other glitzy lights sensitive that it was a normal aircraft, but it's military exercises finished it be found corresponding a helicopter. The first greatly I kindheartedness it was construction was corresponding a plane, but subsequently a plane appeared, impending from accusation to departed, march towards the airport walkway. The craft slowed and stimulated out of the way of the aircraft by leaving up a bit so I'm guessing it was sooner state it. The plane continued normally near the walkway area and the craft followed it for what seemed a push away of about three fingers, probably five hundred metres. It subsequently continued to head towards us and when it was coarsely top-quality the academe it stimulated in an arc to in due course move set up upwards.

I'd have a sneaking suspicion that it had been artifice sooner smartly all the time to cover the push away it did but the neighboring confuse was that it went set up up very smartly until it's light bleached. I'm guessing that the orange-ness stipulation be evident indulgent of sense to our air as when we saw it go set up up, it not the same from yellow to washed-out prior weakness. Not exactly a member in UFOs as haven't found doesn't matter what that can't be explained yet, well award we are!

Email Brian Vike: v factor paranormal@live.com

Brian Vike, First-class of The Vike Factor (In the sphere of The Much-repeated) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/


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