Thursday 24 March 2011

Ufo Sighting In Vancouver British Columbia On September 19Th 2013 Object Appeared Angular And Appeared On Fire

Ufo Sighting In Vancouver British Columbia On September 19Th 2013 Object Appeared Angular And Appeared On Fire
I was cycling across the Burrard Street Bridge at around 11:10pm on my way home from work on the night of Thursday,September 19th. I looked to my right (East, and observed a jet coming in towards the city airport. I then looked ahead towards downtown / Yaletown, and saw what appeared to be an orange-red light about 40 degrees elevation to me. I first thought it was a crane light on one of the new sky rises going up in Yaletown, but then noticed that it was becoming larger and coming towards me. It passed overhead just to the right of me (the jet spotted earlier was about 3 times as high and passed above and to the right of the object. I thought that it might be a chinese lantern, but it was moving too fast in a SW direction. It was glowing orange red--there didn't seem to be lights separate from the object. It looked angular, but I could not make out a distinct shape. I stopped, got off my bike, and watched the object cross the sky. It made no noise and did not seem to leave any kind of trail. I saw people walking on the other side of the bridge but no one seemed to take notice. There appeared a faint flicker from the front/top of the object as though on fire, but no actual flames were visible. I attempted to photograph it, but I was directly next to a street lamp and that is all I could see on my phone's screen. I called a friend who's apartment patio overlooked the West and asked if he could see it, but he replied that he could not. After about 2 1/2 - 3 minutes, the object had passed over me and disappeared on the SW horizon. image card.png
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