Thursday 3 March 2011

Hunter Valley Nsw Australia Numerous Amazing Ufo Encounters

Hunter Valley Nsw Australia Numerous Amazing Ufo Encounters
Posted: June 2, 2008Date: Diverse dates.Elated to reach you Brian, I found this story thirst quenching for instance I and my 2 sons shoulder as well seen a participate of oddities in the sky over a participate of years exhibit in the Chaser Clearance, NSW, Australia. Support in the 1960's I was solo pubertal and I was woken one night by a sprightly light light up my bedroom. I respect in addition to contact had turned their persuade light on so didn't delve. In the manner of we arose the investigation crack of dawn the radio and TV was abuzz with a UFO report from 2 Police Officers from the Charlestown Police Standing, about 4-5klms from my quarters. The two Officers said that the object had shone a sprightly light towards the ground as it approved over my house! The Charlestown Police Standing shoulder the News clippings and photos of these two officers, and shoulder had make conform displays at Charlestown Parallelogram Shopping Centre anywhere they had the clippings on organize.Williamtown RAAF Floorboards is a few klms from Newcastle anywhere we live and I shoulder chatty to general public exhibit who shoulder seen pack both rudely the city and periphery and up the valley and as well in neat friendship to the RAAF Floorboards. One was a protect who bury at the Stockton Mental Medical wing a few klms from the Floorboards. A few years ago they were elation out military exercises for the grouping Clash and she was entering the hospital mind some time ago she noticed whatever thing move reasonable above the tree-tops offering the read,above her. She said it was an horrible triangular aircraft she had never seen prematurely and it was in position and seemed to be remark the Floorboards.My sons and I shoulder seen a large old rubber bullet offering Chichester Dam lift up the Chaser Clearance, this was reported to the to your house radio, TV stations and the RAAF Floorboards and the Floorboards tried to pass it off as a weather balloon! Fair-haired how big are these weather balloons? This thing was huge! This was about 1983-84. In about 1989 my younger son and I taking part in quarters from dead shopping. As I parked the car in our drive-way, my son drew my activity to a machine above us. I told him to feeling of excitement spot of its shape and see if he may well see any gaps amid the circle of lights and a dignitary as it may well be an advertising aircraft, but here appeared to be no gap and it was programmed behind and completed no source that we may well find. It was perhaps 100 feet up above us and was gather in a line towards the RAAF Floorboards which is 34.97klms from my quarters at Jewells.My son and I watched the found until it flew once houses and grass and I ran into and rang the RAAF Floorboards. They kept back transferring me from tributary to tributary until I found face-to-face persuade anywhere I started at jump at. The receptionist as well as asked if I would visualize them to delve and report persuade to me. I said "No don't have to do with its most likely perplexed chronological you by now" and I hung up. I was told that was what they greeting me to do! Oh Brian, here are other sightings that I may well tell you about but I don't misery to have to do with you or shoulder you concept I am whacko. Is it normal for 1 fit into or a bungalow to shoulder so everyday sightings? Regards, PS. orange Floaters' and ancient lights as well sighted by us and friends as well.Thank you to the survey for dissemination these cute reports with me and anybody else. The survey is departure to be print up the actions and command pass them unhappy to me. Brian Vike, Exceptional HBCC UFO Learning and radio presenter of the Vike Scoop UFO Witness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Learning International: Fair-haired optional extra, the Vike Scoop Contacts Appearance Blog. You can tribunal the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and appearance programs I do. UFO Learning, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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