Monday 14 June 2010

Dr Steven Greer And Dan Willis Disclosure Project Military Witness On The Richard Syrett Show

"Toronto Ontario - February 4, 2008" - Dr. Steven Greer Supercilious of the Take by surprise Partition and Dan Willis, a key Take by surprise Partition military think about it will be featured on the Richard Syrett Show

on CFRB 1010 AM Toronto to chatter the UFO/ET point as well as Co-Host Champion Viggiani - Supercilious of Media Affairs for Exopolitics Toronto this Wednesday sunset February 6 at 11:00 pm EST. To be there live on the internet clap on: CFRB 1010 AM.

Dr. Greer's citations as a Take by surprise supporter are internationally famous.

Plus Dr. Greer's common punctually disclosure initiatives are his basic coverage of a sitting Supercilious of the CIA and the basic coverage of the Rt. Honourable Paul Hellyer past Member of the clergy of Blockade in Canada on UFO/Extraterrestrial matters. Dr. Greer's ground-breaking work on stand in drive sources connected as well as sequestered swap engineered ET technologies indubitably demonstrates the deepness and fate of the world-wide government conceal of the Outer space regard. These new drive sources will abstract the use of fossils fuels on the planet.

"Dan Willis is a Armed forces veteran who saw a internal cable from a US Armed forces ship reporting a UFO insurgence out of the sea in very uncomfortable nearness to a sea ship. Dan Willis has been keen in the pains to force disclosure of UFO information by aver sources to the same degree his publicize at the Homespun Implore Bash in 2001. Richard Syrett and Champion Viggiani will interpose as well as Dan about the the social order keen in disclosure and how the media workings hand in hand as well as the US School assembly in protection the lid on this point. "

Prosecute and other discerning parties who imprison any fears about the reality of the UFO/ET point and the connected government conceal will be subject aback by the legality of think about it details, the aver official recognition, evidence and by the levels of secrecy in a jiffy employed by US government intell-organizations to keep this information every one discredited and undeveloped.

The cheerful of these interviews separately, if investigated by media would be pointer piece news inside life of Dr. Greer's and Mr. Willis' radio fastest as well as Richard Syrett. All prosecute and editors are driven to be there to the most rabble-rousing two hours on radio.

NOTE: CNN'S LARRY King Exist has aired four programs in the last various months on this point - bringing the news of the UFO conceal to millions of Americans, Canadians and satellite viewers something like the sphere. Significant media is stimulation to the UFO regard. This Wednesday's radio interviews are an sharpen cut into for all prosecute to engage the point.

The cut into for a Canadian correspondent to interview Dr. Greer, the track UFO research shrink to imprison idiomatic to a sitting CIA Supercilious on the UFO regard, would confident be breaking news. Any Canadian correspondent who requests to interview Dr. Greer, necessitate contact ZLANDCOMMUNICATIONS through the contact information below at the forefront Wednesday February 6, 2008.

It is becoming earn that the UFO/ET point is not leave-taking to go given away, as auxiliary and auxiliary straightforward media cover sighting reports, think about it fastest and the litany of military denials and re-denials. The edition is who, among the Canadian media completion, will be the first to size up this point and nickname for unrestrained government hearings based on hundreds of thousands of pages of evidential definite and think about it testimony?

Exopolitics Toronto stands matured to reason as well as print media editors and radio or guard network producers to care for indicative or documentary instruction or crux articles on the UFO/ET regard.

(Source: Exopolitics Toronto Statement)


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