Thursday 22 January 2015

That Paul Kimball Guy

That Paul Kimball Guy
Canadian film-maker and UFO maven Paul Kimball has taken to invective and "ad "hominems" toward Rich Reynolds, who only has an indirect connection to this blog.

We here have never called Paul Kimball any names but have taken a stance about some of his activities which have not been UFO oriented or even UFO-related although he has couched those activities in terms of the UFO mystery.

Mr. Kimball doesn't like that we've questioned his UFO purposes.

But that he confuses Rich Reynolds with what we non-Reynolds participants write goes to the heart of the inept investigations that ufologists such as Kimball engage in. He and others don't really check out the facts of a matter, and draw erroneous conclusions thereby.

Mr. Kimball has scorched his relative, Stanton Friedman, wild-man Karl Korff, UFO good-guy Frank Warren, and others.

He calls them names, but never challenges what they write or say that offends.

Mr. Kimball calls his blog "The Other Side of Truth" and it surely is, as truth is turned upon its head to provide Mr. Kimball with a platform that promotes him and his cronies to the detriment of what really is, in ufology and outside ufology.

We'll be sticking it to Paul Kimball so long as he chooses to pervert the truth to make himself look better than he is....



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