Wednesday 26 November 2014

Ufo Sighting In Blythe California On July 10Th 2013 Orange Sphere Like With A Mist Or Cloud Around One Of Them

Ufo Sighting In Blythe California On July 10Th 2013 Orange Sphere Like With A Mist Or Cloud Around One Of Them

I was at home walking to my pool equipment as I came around the side of my house and could see South I saw it coming from over the River and just over the top of one of the River Front homes it looked like a strange orange color ball coming at me and just East of me and my house. I saw the same objects three week to the day just later in the night it shocked me that time at first then I ran to get a camera this time I just ran to get the camera. When I got returned to the back yard it was almost even with my house it was just East of me flying slow and not high 500 feet or less I would say they are about 25 to 305 feet across it may even be 40 feet across. The object had what looked like a cloud or mist of what I would have to say is energy around it and it moved like in waves or like it was jumping slow then a bit faster then it looked as if it slow down again then jump or move faster that is why I say it looked as if it moved in waves. I was able to take some pictures of it as it past me it made a slight bank or changed the flight path just a bit to the North East just as it past. I was looking at the pictures I just took on the cameras small monitor but I could only see a orange dot. I when back to my pool equipment I looked South again and here comes one more WOW I could not believe it this object was just a bit more East on its flight path but was moving at the same speed this one did have as much of the cloud around it. But it was the same as object I just saw less then three minutes before. I took some picture of it also as it past. I have not changed any thing at all with the photos. One of the photos # 002 there is so much in the picture if you don't zoom in to much you can see round red balls above and below the object you can see a square of orange yellow white light and at the front of the object it looks as if there is some thing hanging down from it and what my be windows in the front above the bright light. When I took the pictures it looked like it was a strange orange ball flying but it is so much more much you only see the out line of the ball it has a flat bottom and it is a little harder to make out but there is a dome shape top I saw none of this. The object at the back and at the center you can see one large circle and a cone in the center of the circle and a area shaped like a V that looks cooler the rest on the bottom of the object. There is also one other smaller circle just to the side of the the larger circle. At no time did ether object make a sound at all and the strange orange color ball thing is really to hide the craft. This is the third time and four objects right here the first was in March then three weeks to the day before 7-10-2013. Each time the crafts are flying slow low and come out of the same location going the same way I think that there may be many more flying over the community I live in. The photos I took #002 is the best UFO picture I have ever seen not because I took them because the craft was so close you don't need to zoom much to see so much detail and by luck the date is right below the craft. In photos # 005 and 006 you can see what I many by the craft moved in waves. I can say I am nerves because I took some with the flash on and I could be located very easy if someone would want to fine the location the pictures were shot from. I am happy for web site like this so the story and the location with the pictures can get out for all can see. If this craft is U.S. WOW I have only seen thing that fly in the sky with wings and motors and they make noise but this has none of what you would say is the normal at all. Again I have not changed in any way the pictures.



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