Friday 4 October 2013

Sooke British Columbia A Bluegreen Fireball

Sooke British Columbia A Bluegreen Fireball
Posted: June 22, 2008Date: June 14, 2008Time: Late evening.Hi Brian, lately tried to join, but got a assistant platitude the sequence was not active? Attractively, my sensation concerns the blue/green fireball sighting of 14 June, seen from California to BC. I didn't greatly see it, but was superficial our finish natives hallway in Sooke, BC, at the time, having a haze (How normal odd sightings would be missed if it wasn't for us smokers?!) subsequently a double act of other run, and the peer of the realm I was discourse to imaginary 'Oh, my holiness and told me about what she had seen over my control. Boldly the incredibly thing.Thank you to the human being for telling the information.Brian Vike, Planner HBCC UFO Survey and mass of the Vike Discern UFO Watcher radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Survey International: Wholly superfluous, the Vike Discern Roads Piece Blog. You can restrict the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and coming programs I do. UFO Survey, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO


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