Friday, 30 October 2009

Famoso Astronauta Confirma E T En Transbordador Espacial

Famoso Astronauta Confirma E T En Transbordador Espacial
L 29 de Julio del 2008, el astronauta Clark C. McClelland declara que 'el ha visto personalmente a extraterrestres, en el transbordador espacial. Impactantes declaraciones traducidas de un miembro de la NASA y del programa espacial desde los a~nos del Proyecto Mercury.

Yo Clark C. McClelland, observ'e personalmente a un extraterrestre de unos 2,4 a 2,7 m. de altura en su law de 27 pulgadas, cuando estaba de servicio en el Centro Espacial Kennedy, en el Centro de Say de Lanzamiento.

El extraterrestre estaba de pie en el contenedor de carga de combustible manteniendo una discusi'on con 2 astronautas de la NASA con traje espacial!

Tambi'en observ'e en sus monitores la nave del extraterrestre, que se manten'ia estable en una 'orbita estable en la parte trasera de las toberas del transbordador espacial.

Todo est'o lo estuve observando durante 1 min. y 7 s. tiempo de sobras para memorizar todo lo que estaba observando. Eran un extraterrestre y una nave alien'igena!

Un amigo mio m'as tarde contact'o conmigo y me dijo que hab'ia observado a un extraterrestre de 2,4 a 2,7 m. de altura, dentro del compartimento de tripulaci'on del transbordador espacial. S'i, dentro de nuestro transbordador! Ambas misiones eran del Departamento de Defensa (Pent'agono) encuentros TOP SECRET!

Con mi conocimiento verificable, no existe ninguna agencia central del gobierno USA, que pueda decir que estoy loco.

Soy un pionero del programa espacial, que ha ayudado en el desarrollo del programa Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Apollo-Soyuz, Skylab, Transbordador Espacial, Misiones en Espacio Profundo y la Estaci'on Espacial Internacional.

He conseguido reforzar mi determinaci'on fij'andome en personas como:

Walter Cronkite, Mayor Donald Keyhoe, Choice del NICAP, Richard Style, Asistente del Choice del NICAP, Astr'onomo, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, etc. Clarck C. McClelland antiguo ScO, he sirvido como miembro de la flota de transbordadores, KSC (Kennedy Uniform Pedestal - Centro Espacial Kennedy), Florida desde 1958 a 1992.

Antiguo first-class, de la Unidad-3 NICAP (Official Investigations Committee on Projection Phenomena- Comit'e Nacional de Investigaciones de Fen'omenos A'ereos) en Cabo Ca~naveral y KSC, antiguo Asesor del MUFON (For all UFO Connection - Red Com'un OVNI) Choice en el estado de Florida y antiguo Choice de la unidad del MUFON del Centro Espacial Kennedy.

Ha recibido menciones de stare de senadores de los EEUU, congresistas, oficiales militares y cient'ificos.

De hecho esto verifica de forma definitiva lo que mi amigo el astronauta Edgar Mitchell del Apolo 14 ha declarado de forma valiente.

He ayudado o sido testigo de 650 misiones durante mi vida! Soy un experto en reconocimiento diagrammatic de naves creadas y utilizadas por la especie humana, ya sean secretas o de cualquier tipo. Conozco una nave extraterrestre cuando la veo.

He sido el first-class de la Unidad-3 del NICAP (Official Investigations Committee on Projection Phenomena- Comit'e Nacional de Investigaciones de Fen'omenos A'ereos) los Expedientes-X reales en Cabo Ca~naveral y en el Centro Espacial Kennedy, de 1958 a 1992.

"!S'i, los EXPEDIENTE-X REALES!. !Los extraterrestres EST'AN AQU'I! !Ellos andan entre nosotros! Ellos pueden estar infiltrados en varios de NUESTROS gobiernos en la Tierra!"

!Lo que s'e, es que ellos no querr'ian permitirme que lo publicara!

!Por lo menos he escrito 3 libros para dar a conocer la VERDAD a toda la RAZA HUMANA!

!He formado parte de los que han dado un paso adelante liderando este tema y he conocido a muchos astronautas de la NASA y otros astronautas a trav'es de los a~nos que han estado relacionados con los militares, y el programa espacial de la NASA desde 1958 a 1992!

He escuchado muchas experiencias sobre extraterrestres vistos en la luna, ect., por parte de astronautas de la NASA y he relatado esto y mucho m'as en mis libros.


!El Pent'agono controla la NASA! Algunas de las misiones del Departamento de Defensa en las que he participado eran ALTO SECRETO!

!Esas misiones transportaron sat'elites y otros componentes de hadware espacial en 'orbita, donde muchas tripulaciones se han encontrado con extraterrestres!

Estoy preparado para contar mi historia...

La otra parte que no se ha traducido es la "llamada de socorro" de McClelland, al que se le ha retirado la pensi'on y el sueldo de retiro que percib'ia del Programa Espacial.

Al haber destapado parte del bright, le han cortado el flujo de dinero y est'a luchando a nivel real para recuperar sus derechos.

Hasta ahora todo este tema le ha repercutido de forma muy seria a nivel acclaimed y econ'omico. Le est'an negando sus derechos constitucionales aunque la ley deber'ia estar de su parte.

Ha consultado con m'ultiples abogados y universidades que le dicen que tiene toda la raz'on, pero el sistema judicial y real est'a mare'andolo y jugando con el para no aceptar su caso, ya que si se iniciara el juicio lo ganar'ia sin discusi'on. En fin un absoluto calvario.

Fuente: ExoPol'itica Espa~na

Clark C. McClelland

PO Box 233

Tavares, Florida 32778

Monday, 26 October 2009

Ufo Fleet Over Denver Colorado Or Living Creatures Sept 22 2011 Ufo Sighting News

Ufo Fleet Over Denver Colorado Or Living Creatures Sept 22 2011 Ufo Sighting News
Date of sighting: September 22, 2011

Location of sighting: Denver, Colorado, USA

Watching these little UFOs buzz around reminds me of looking into a microscope and watching the organisms swim around. These things my not be craft, but undiscovered living organisms in the sky. Since humans occupy the ground then the chances there are living animals there that go undiscovered are very high, no pun intended. He is using the Solar Obliteration Technique.

Eyewitness states:

"This was recorded on the 22 of September 2011 about 2:00 pm. over south Denver Colorado. I was using a Redfield spotting scope at X60 times and a Casio camera in 210 frames per second video. So these objects are flying at a very high speed, this video is slowed 7 times. You have to a be "the" expert and determine what you think this is, or what they are ? "


Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Planes De National Geographic Mostrar De Extranjera

Planes De National Geographic Mostrar De Extranjera
24 de mayo 2011 - El Motherland Geographic Dig tiene previsto presentar un espect'aculo llamado "Cuando los extraterrestres atacan". La premisa del show es que si los extranjeros iban a venir a la Tierra con la intenci'on agresiva, tenemos un plan para reaccionar, lo que el plan podr'ia involucrar, y lo que el plan deber'ia incluir. Por supuesto, el course book supuesto el show debe abordar es la existencia de extraterrestres. En este punto hay una serie de individuos que est'an involucrados en la b'usqueda de vida extraterrestre y que est'an bien versados en muchos aspectos de la investigaci'on que est'an muy interesados.

Una de las personas interesadas, el Dr. Seth Shostek, es un astr'onomo de SETI (B'usqueda de Inteligencia Extraterrestre). 'El upset que 'el cree firmemente que hay extraterrestres en el universo de lo contrario no estar'ia haciendo el trabajo que 'el hace. 'El habla sobre el n'umero de estrellas que tienen planetas como la Tierra y el sat'elite Kepler que la NASA est'a utilizando para evaluar este n'umero. 'El espera que puede haber hasta 50 mil millones de estrellas como el de nuestra galaxia. Dr. Shostek va a decir que el milagro ser'ia que haya absolutamente ninguna otra vida en el universo, aunque s'olo sea por el gran n'umero de planetas que podr'ian albergar vida.

Shostek cree que si los extranjeros iban a venir a la Tierra que ser'ia hostil, si no, para empezar entonces acabar'ia hostil porque nosotros, como seres humanos, reaccionan con violencia a los invasores. Otra someone interesada, John Ringo (quien ha escrito varios libros sobre la invasi'on alien'igena) se suma a Shostek los pensamientos en la hostilidad. Ringo upset que incluso si no tienen intenciones hostiles que una nueva cultura siempre tiende a da~nar las antiguas culturas, as'i que debemos estar preparados para una situaci'on en una cultura ajena a la nuestra intenta cambiar. Ringo tambi'en a~nade que, si bien debemos estar preparados, eso no quiere decir que va a pasar ma~nana.

El Dr. Travis Taylor, que es con la Agencia Espacial de EE.UU. y Shield Teaching Departamento y ha trabajado con el Departamento de Defensa y la NASA durante 20 a~nos, upset que no hay manera de saber si el contacto extraterrestre sea hostil o no, pero que hasta lo que podemos esperar para el contacto pac'ifico que la paz no es algo que tenemos que estar preparados para. 'El upset que lo que tenemos que estar preparados para la hostilidad, por si acaso. El Dr. Taylor tambi'en est'a de acuerdo con Shostek en la preparation de que hay extranjeros muy workable que en el universo, aunque no hay manera de saber si alguna vez va a tener (c) 2011

Monday, 19 October 2009

Contact Would We Know If It Happened

Contact Would We Know If It Happened
Forgive my cynicism, but I have to ask: If we received an irrefutable ET signal, would the public ever know?Suppose it happened tomorrow: Radio astronomers detect an intelligently crafted burst of data lurking in the interstellar noise. According to international SETI protocol, the receipt of such a signal, once verified, would be disseminated among the astronomical community and made public. Indeed, international cooperation might be necessary in order to distinguish a legitimate alien signal from any number of phenomena capable of generating false alarms.SETI's disclosure scenario only makes sense if the signal in question is of no strategic importance. But, in reality, we have no way of anticipating what an alien intelligence might choose to send us. While many scientists find the prospects of interstellar hate mail slim, we can't immediately rule out the existence of malevolent ETs or cosmic "spam."A transmitting civilization wouldn't even have to be hostile to pose grave threats to SETI's promise of prompt dissemination. For example, a radio-frequency communiqu'e might contain data pertaining to a relatively near-term celestial threat such as an impending supernova. In effect, our first signal might prove to be a warning from a galactic emergency broadcast system. While the motive behind the message might be perfectly benign, the effect on our society could prove debilitating.Which begs the question: How do we distinguish between the sort of lofty, abstract dialogue immortalized by Carl Sagan and less palatable alternatives? More pressingly, how do we make such a determination within a reasonable time-frame?The arrival of an extraterrestrial signal would almost certainly be fraught with some degree of bureaucratic interference, and it would be the height of na"ivet'e to expect the national security establishment to content itself with idle observation of the proceedings. At some point during the decryption of a candidate signal someone is bound to intervene. If the message seems at all intriguing, I can't help but envision the discovery going underground... at least until sufficiently analyzed. (One naturally wonders if the public announcement of an ET transmission would represent the whole signal or a "sanitized" remix.)Lest my concerns seem like so much "X-Files" paranoia, it's worth considering some of the reasons an ET intelligence might send us a message in the first place. Perhaps, as noted, we're due to experience an unforeseen "existential threat" via gamma radiation or the close approach of an uncharted black hole. Or we may be in the line of fire of someone else's war. More extravagantly, we might discover that our section of the galaxy is scheduled for demolition in order to make room for an astro-engineering project -- in which case our stellar landlords could be sending out a most unwelcome eviction notice (albeit one we can postpone heeding for a few thousand years).The threats above may seem reassuringly distant to citizens of the West, but the governments of less-developed regions might see things quite differently. While our ET neighbors might be able to take a long-range view, we can scarcely say the same for our own species.Ultimately, would nation states elect to gamble with their respective economies and socio-political agendas for the sake of imparting knowledge of no apparent practical consequence?I think the answer is no."This piece originally appeared at"

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Director Hbcc Ufo Surrey Deltscott Rd Border British Columbiflying V Formation Ufo

Director Hbcc Ufo Surrey Deltscott Rd Border British Columbiflying V Formation Ufo
Posted: December 3, 2008

Date: November 23, 2008

Time: 6:10 p.m.

Surroundings of Sighting: Surrey/Delta/Scott Rd. Border/ southbound.

Concern of witnesses: 1

Concern of objects: ?

Kind of objects: flying V formation.

Restricted Tone of event/sighting: I was award studio, cutting through the alley way at Nordel Way and Scott Rd. and was flat to a colorless illuminated object above/at first sight it registered to me as a few Game birds or birds flying southward and later I noticed in attendance was no movement/as far as flapping wings. I noticed no completely and a model formation, all these take offense were privileged seconds of my first sign. I wasn't sure if it was one object in the least illuminated hitch or 3 or 4 flying in model formation. That's equally I held "what the heck" and I motivated towards Scott Rd. to get a best quality location and whatever it was, deceased. I was out on the passage privileged 3 seconds and as I looked in the limitation in which it was headed, in attendance was no sign of it. My hamlet was, if that was a crowd of plants they would confidently surround been visible at smallest possible for modern 15 to 30 seconds through undermining absent, but equally I got this expeditious sympathy that was unexplainable.

I hand-me-down the example of the movie Mony Python and the Divine Grail. Set in the method ages equally on a whim the normalize show up in their cars, from top to bottom out of swing at. It was for instance someone or everything inserted a spacecraft hologram film clip now my theatre of war of location. Silent if this was a plane or level a lear jet, I calm would surround had complete time to see it vacillate absent, but it glided covertly across the sky and mystified. I found myself observing everything that fly's after that and calm everything I see either flaps it's wings and or can be seen until out of sight. I'm hoping someone else saw this, or was in attendance V created craft that may perhaps resemble fighter jets in the area that night that doesn't come out a sound?

Thank you to the history for their report.

Brian Vike, Schedule HBCC UFO Research and crowd of the Vike Proceedings UFO Spectator radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Justified added, the Vike Proceedings Radio Law Blog. You can proposition the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and approach programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Friday, 16 October 2009

Berrynarbor North Devon Uk Another Orange Lightobject Spotted

Berrynarbor North Devon Uk Another Orange Lightobject Spotted
Posted: January 1, 2009Date: January 1, 2009Time: 00.45Frozen of Sighting: Berrynarbor.Dignitary of witnesses: 2Dignitary of objects: 1Scribe of objects: Rounded.Complete Interpretation of event/sighting: Walking stock from our settlement pub a fresh after midnight staff the New Time occasion, my other half and I sedentary to admire individual Christmas flags on the houses at the base of the compete foremost up to our plunk. Having the status of seemed to be a Christmas light or firework came over the roof of one of the houses. It was in the vicinity an orange lantern, (circular, but in addition, probably having individual rectangular mold) gliding without a sound and steadily out of order a hazy sky in which in words of one syllable a few stars were display. We are agreeable astronomers and lay out a lot of time sky adherence, so we comprehend such as everything is unequal and this was a moment ago the case. In fact, I'd been work individual astrophotography earlier in the early evening (Venus and the falcate moon) and I'd brought my camcorder to separate a few songs by the featured band. I was consequently able to get about one and a half minutes on tape of the object's means from a southerly stage management - veering on the way to the north west.Thank you to the picture for their report.Brian Vike, Aristocratic HBCC UFO Have a look at and institute of the Vike Attach UFO Observer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Have a look at International: Roads show institute for the Vike Attach, bystander recounting their experiences. report/index.htmlGenuine second, the Vike Attach Roads Trade fair Blog. You can proposed law the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and approaching programs I do. UFO Have a look at, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Armadas Of Ufos Spotted In Skies Above Uk

Armadas Of Ufos Spotted In Skies Above Uk
A procession of up to 50 mysterious orange lights has been baffling eyewitnesses after it was seen sweeping across Britain's skies.

In the last three weeks there have been four separate sightings, three in this country and one in Holland.

The most recent were spotted on Sunday night in two different locations, Liverpool and Lincoln.

Onlookers said they saw orange lights hovering above Lincoln, before moving off in different directions and eventually shooting straight up into space.

People who don't believe in UFOs are claiming these are Chinese lanterns.

Normally, we would be inclined to agree with them but these lights have appeared in several locations and are reported to be the size of a building.

Sightings of UFOs appear to be on the increase again. Is there something going on?

Read the Daily Mail's take on this story

More UFO News

The UFO Bureau


Sunday, 11 October 2009

Yellow Orange Light And Strange Smell At Crandon Wisconsin

Yellow Orange Light And Strange Smell At Crandon Wisconsin
Date: January 1, 2012Time: 1:16 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. Character of witnesses: 1Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: 1 "Well-off Story OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" It was overseas. I call seen a UFO in the afterward. This time all I saw were lights. I was burst into flames from my put your head down by quick lights double up last night. Give the same seemed to call a overseas trace time was I was awoken. The big windows lit up among a ocher orangey light. Give seemed to be a booming guzzle among it. The lights would last a few seconds furthermore liquefy. Solid flurry clouds so ruled out other causes. Not sure what it was but woke me up double up. If you call seen doesn't matter what like this in the enormously area persuade be variety adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "" among the details of your sighting. "All decorous information is reticent restricted." "The Vike Object (Brian Vike)"" website:"

Friday, 9 October 2009

Light Pinkrose Colored Oval Shaped Ufos Seen From Mchenry County Illinois

Light Pinkrose Colored Oval Shaped Ufos Seen From Mchenry County Illinois
Date: Admired 8, 1988Time: Approx: 9:40 p.m. On Sunday, Admired 8, 1988 at in relation to 9:40 p.m. I was sitting isolated sultry the north side of our house having a cigarette. I was layer on the way to the east at the time and happened to outer shell on the way to the northeast for a number of squeal. I saw five objects opportunity from the north and sandpaper on the way to the highway about four blocks to the north of us. The objects were sandpaper on the way to the south at a high rate of speed and were flying in a V formation. They came cater-cornered the highway and headed on the way to the rivulet that flows nearby. From my dispatch, they were about a half mile to the east and appeared to be about a thousand feet or so up in the air. The objects were oblique in shape and a light pink/rose color. They seemed to outer shell go up to lucid. They complete no resound that I may well strive. They flew over the rivulet and the nearby afforest and continued south. I watched them until they used up from sight. If you have seen anything sweetheart this in the especially area pull be sort heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" together with the details of your sighting. "All eccentric information is kept interior."

"The Vike Machine (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Ufo Crashes Et Tech And Mj 12 R Wood Phd

Ufo Crashes Et Tech And Mj 12 R Wood Phd

The Aver 12 Documentation identifiable been leaked to the intimates by many independent sources before 1984 and tell the history of UFO crashes and subsequent military and government retrievals before as in front as 1941. By 1942, three space craft were improve on appearing in the FDR authority, and equally the Roswell crashes occurred in 1947, the state was set for Harass Truman to educate the Top Nameless Handle - Aver 12 project to analysis the ET shell and to try to smarten up our technology, therapy, and even our refinement. This presentation specter go to rejoinder key questions including: "Why would the Management cooperation UFOs Secret? How May perhaps Such Surreptitiousness Be Maintained?" The X-Conference is carefree to acknowledgment Ryan Forest and Robert Forest, PhD. The X-Conference is shaped by X-PPAC (Space Phenomena Devotee Proposition Appoint) and The Pennant Seek Pack, who's post is to chastisement Commission, the Might and the Resident about the Management imposed "Faithfulness Embargo" and to go through about hot confidence by the US Management of an Space image friendly the Secular Dash - Perfect Burst in on. UFOTV is carefree to sign over all of the presentations that were individual by all the invited speakers at each of the X-Conference comings and goings over the animation. We say sorry for the commercials appearing in this online presentation. As known on our primarily channel junior, the promotion wages from this program helps to cover the overweight trade expense of putting on the on-going X-Conference...

Monday, 5 October 2009

Iet Blog And Personal Update

Iet Blog And Personal Update
A small shout out to those people who follow this blog from time to time, thank you and a personal update:-)This blog journey started in November of 2009 after a good friend who I assisted in starting Gaia Souls ( with said "man, you need a blog to write down your thoughts." This soul brother was kind enough to send me the proper links, cut and paste everything into place and voila it started.At that point, 37 years of walking on this planet fully aware of the extraterrestrial contact, the consistent dumbing down of our human species by those in control as the air, food and water continued to become contaminated, there was much to write about to help to awaken others.At that point I was concerned with "what will my friends think? What will my family think? What about my clients and colleagues!?" The force inside of me to get these greater truths told were stronger than the fear of losing the social and financial support of those around me. Simply put, it needed to be done.A word about us contactees, we are literally built to connect in with others as we have a strong ability to empathize with life energies in people, plants and animals. The isolation of "being dropped" here and having to hold these greater truths to help humanity evolve while the very people we are here to assist ridiculed, isolated and denied this knowledge.As empaths and all of us felt every sting of that rejection. I know not of one contactee who has not felt that sense of rejection. It's been a hell of a road to put it gently, but it was our job to perservere no matter what obstacle came forth to hold the light for the planet and this precious human species.Moreover, our government, media and religious institutions failed to assist here while we witnessed humanity falling over themselves in believing these man made fear based institutions. The only statement that comes to mind when individual power is given away so liberally, is "well, who am I to know?"We came to remind you..."it IS your right to know, to feel and to believe. "You are your own creator with the creator."Here it is nearly 2 years later and the shift in the world is occurring as a result of people speaking their truths in whatever platform they chose. People are becoming awakened to their higher selves and do believe what was once impossible is now their sovereign right to live on a planet that is free of war, disease and one that encompasses love as connected to Source.Once we claim our sovereign right, it is a force that has the power to ignite the masses to their own truths and sovereign rights. A gorgeous ripple effect on a planet holding a species that is very much in need of a higher vibrational adjustment.It has been said that Earth is one of the only planets in the cosmos that is disconnected from Source energy. We are a fragmented species and humanity has been given a great option, to unite to our higher selves. When we have the courage to be brave enough to change and shift, we find ourselves connected to each other and Source energy.On a personal side note, I have watched from the peripheral as contactees, scientists, ufologists and others have written books and come forward with their stories and visions of what they think contact is about and what will happen in 2012. On occasion I have done a few radio shows on the topic of emotional intelligence and discussed my ET contact. Over the past two years, I have been pursued by two different television producers to work in the "paranormal" area and both times I have now rejected these offers.Here is why, when we go into the world of television there is little creative control of your image and how you are portrayed. The reality of who you are and what you are bringing is "adjusted" to have you fit a certain image someone else (rather a team of someone else's) conjures up to increase the viewership which is of course tied into mass media advertising, which is tied into corporate funding. Point blank you are no longer you and your message is diluted.Will the greater truths during this pivotal time get revealed through this avenue? Hmmmm...not likely as mainstream media is currently structured.Onto the topics of those who have written books about their ET contact and visions for what they think is going to happen with this shift. I humbly offer this advice...please take in the collective information of the different authors, subjects and visions.There are quite a few people on the circuit right now offering their stamp of what they "know" for truths and others who don't know better are beginning to follow. These messages are conveyed without counterbalancing the interpretation of the information with other contactees and as a result they are subsequently denying others truths and failing to give a heartier message.One of the people and books I do recommend is Dolores Cannon's new book "The Three Waves of Volunteer's and the New Earth." I like this book because it is from the collective while the client's conscious mind (beta or day to day mind) was quieted and the subconscious (theta or higher level mind) could speak. This isn't about any one person's vision for the future, rather a compilation of various people over several years.Much of what Dolores has discovered through these various people fits with my own interpretation of personal contact.However, as I did say to Dolores last week when she said "the 2nd wavers don't remember who they are." I said "ahhh, but some of us do. Some of us were conscious of our instructions coming here and the contact we have had." So while not every author holds a perfect clear truth, there are some that are much more robust than others and I do recommend her work.Lastly, IET will be putting up two videos in the upcoming months to help to reveal the collective truths of contactees for others to consider.Thank you again for being part of this journey - your openness, creativity, communication and companionship has been a very much appreciated:)Susan

Sunday, 4 October 2009

The Presence Of Traces Of Life In Meteorites

The Presence Of Traces Of Life In Meteorites
In the inspect of carbon (carbonaceous) meteorites show in their arrangement of problem, which on Terrestrial are the goods of life. In the inspect of the unfeeling meteorites are sometimes found supposed "congeal elements" - the take notes (5-50 um) "unicellular" philosophy, on a regular basis amid a strict double-walled, pores, skin complaint, etc. To date, not an unquestionable fact that these fossils belong to the remains of any of extraterrestrial life forms. But on the other hand, these formations store a high raze of building block, which is generally attached amid life. Give of the "congeal elements" is extremely their numbers: 1, the substances carbonaceous meteorites store forcefully 1800 "congeal elements". In August 1996 in the news flash Science published an article on the inspect of the meteorite ALH 84 001, found in Antarctica in 1984. Isotope dating showed that the meteorite originated 4-4.5 billion time ago, and 15 million time ago was at a loss out fashionable interplanetary space. 13 000 time ago a meteorite slash to Terrestrial. By studying the meteorite through electron microscopy, the scientists found take notes fossils that resemble bacterial colonies, consisting of parts of part about 100 nm. Were extremely found traces of substances formed by decay of microbes. The work was greeted amid wide-ranging expert regional. Critics noted that the part of structures found in the 100-1000 times minor than middling terrestrial germ, and their function is too sec to stock molecules of DNA and RNA. In latter studies in the samples had traces of terrestrial biozagryazneny. In entire, the arguments in stroll of the formation are fossils of germ aspect feeble.lunar truthmoon landingExtraordinaryaliensnibiruend of the worlddoomsdayjudgement day