Monday 21 July 2008

Agnes-Based Ufo Researcher Scott Bankier

Agnes-Based Ufo Researcher Scott Bankier

ET Capture Psychoanalysis ON TV

news-mail - An Agnes Tarn being who is a world head in alien abduction counselling thrust characters in an SBS documentary altitude her son - a self-confessed UFO sceptic.

Mary Rodwell, who runs the Australian Firm Encounter Labor Netting (ACERN), and her son, Chris Rodwell, a Melbourne veterinary general practitioner, are the subjects of a documentary that focuses on the mother-son friendship as Ms Rodwell tries to coach her son about extraterrestrial visitations.

Ms Rodwell, lovingly convinced as Australia's "alien aristocrat", is one of the world's most desired and valued experts on all baggage to do in the company of UFO phenomena.

In September, she tease at a acute conference held at Agnes Tarn, organised by Agnes-based UFO instructor Scott Bankier, everyplace she theoretical natural areas such as the Result Coast were hot spots for UFO sightings.

"I prevail on in natural areas show are spare sightings," she theoretical. "I reveal it's because show is well-ventilated clear sky so recruits are spare physical to see baggage."

Ms Rodwell, outburst from Sydney, everyplace she is the section of national media approachability, yesterday theoretical she fixed to do the documentary to let recruits who had had alien encounters let the cat out of the bag everyplace they may possibly get help and would not be ridiculed.

The erstwhile midwife and protect, hurt counsellor and clinical hypnotherapist founded ACERN in 1997 and has at the same time as supported 1600 cases of ET encounters general. The organisation helps alien abduction fatalities preparation in the company of their traumas in the company of the finance of qualified healing doctors, psychologists and therapists.

In the documentary My Mum Union to Aliens, to be aired on Tuesday at 8.30pm, Ms Rodwell and her son are followed on their pester of discovery as they run the wealth in goings-on of agree evidence of an alien phantom on Disembark.

"I shape these snooty intelligences presume been visiting this planet at the same time as the initiate of time, and I shape they're almost to rear advance to unorthodox slick," Ms Rodwell theoretical.

Ms Rodwell introduces her son to alien abductees in the film, among one haunt who claims to presume had a sexual encounter in the company of an extraterrestrial being.

The show likewise claims it thrust establish clear, never-before-seen footage of UFOs, and visits an astrophysicist whose job is to scrutinize the skies for alien implication.

INDIA 'WITCH DOCTOR' Alleged Enhanced Teenager KILLINGS

BBC - Control in India presume arrested an supposed witch doctor accused of killing two litter.

The man was arrested after a two-year-old boy's body was found in his pied-?-terre in Durg district, 45km (30 miles) from the Chhattisgarh state riches, Raipur.

Raids likewise prohibited the diaphanous bomb of an eight-year-old child from the house, police told the BBC.

They say that the accused man confessed to killing all litter to improvement "occult fertility and complete fortune".

Witchcraft and occult viewpoint claim in remote areas. Some reveal that child sacrifices thrust develop their lives.

Parents of two-year-old Chirag stiff a qualm after the kid went puzzled since playing on the way, police theoretical.

The house of the supposed witch doctor was raided and the body was found hidden under a statue, patronizing police manager Amit Kumar told the BBC.

The minute body was contemplation to be a child who was abducted bring to a close in Organizer. Her body was found mysterious axis the house not more than a trident symbol.

Mr Kumar theoretical seven recruits, among the supposed witch doctor and his companion, presume been arrested on inference of steal fragmentation in child sacrifices.

Control say that they unlikely spare litter may presume been killed by the supposed witch doctor and that digging work is going on at the house.


thelocal - A German DIY believer aimlessly walled himself voguish his own subterranean vault and wholly managed to wish for by drilling his way close to his neighbours, police theoretical Thursday.

The 64-year-old pensioner in the eastern town of Gumperda had - affectedly - alleged to close off the enthrall to his catacomb and went set down unyielding in the company of bricks, defense as well as nourishment and drink.

"Whoops, you may possibly say," the police station in bring to a close Kahla theoretical in a demonstration. "He was on the rough side of the wall on one occasion his work was entire."

The pensioner, whose dub was not released, departed the weekend rapt in the subterranean vault but on Monday fixed to pick action.

By way of a branch of learning thump, he went to work not on his own wall but on the firewall separating his pied-?-terre from his neighbours'.

The neighbours, in the company of whom the pensioner had more willingly than been in conflict for months, called the police on one occasion they heard the loud drilling. Officers were waiting for the leisure activity handyman on one occasion he deprived close to the other side.


dw-world - A mob of physicists, filch by the School of Bonn's Martin Weitz, presume managed to end in a Bose-Einstein condensate out of photons, or particles of light. This discovery may possibly be hand-me-down to widen make better microchips for computers or spare efficient solar vigor technology, according to their research which was published in the pamphlet Fabrication on Thursday.

Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) were first on purpose in the 1920s by Satyendra Nath Bose and Albert Einstein, who asserted that atoms, cooled to very muggy total zero, would pick on quantum characteristics, so that the atoms "cross, and act as a giant meta-wave," or a information of super-atom, wherein a edition of atoms all act in carrying out, Weitz told Deutsche Welle.

Not everybody in the responsibility of quantum optics is satisfy in the company of the term super-atom or super-photon though, such as Aephraim Steinberg, a quantum physicist at the School of Toronto.

"I prevail on the period a diminutive maze-like and baseless, so I wouldn't all right suppose to petition this a super photon," Steinberg theoretical. Keep up Learn AT DW-WORLD

"Blessing to Mel for the heads up!"


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