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Thu, 20 Jun 2013 07:26 CDT
(c) Bulldoze Ding
"Discoid" shapes were spotted in photographs of Stonehenge, according to the filesThe Ministry of Defence blocked its UFO escritoire because it served "no defence theory" and was spoils chap banned from "advance supportive defence-related accomplishments", just now released files show.
The escritoire was blocked in December 2009 despite a properly in reported sightings.
The disclosure came in Disarray Archives files involving to reports of UFOs - Unspecified Flying Possessions - between 2007 and November 2009.
They show UFOs were reported at diverse UK landmarks, in the company of Stonehenge.
'No make use of
The latest tranche of declassified files covers the basic two time of work carried out by the MoD's UFO escritoire.
The 25 files take on reports alleging contact as well as aliens and UFO sightings present UK landmarks, and detail the common sense to homely the MoD's bright escritoire and "hotline".
In a passing for the after that defence member of the clergy, Bob Ainsworth, in November 2009 a sociable servant, Carl Mantell of the RAF's Air Capacity, suggested the MoD be required to try to to be more precise halt the UFO work. He assumed it was "overwhelming growing stool pigeon, but produces no supportive defence output".
(c) Bulldoze Ding
One photograph, out of commission October 2008, showed a suspected UFO present Blackpool, the files saidHe told Mr Ainsworth that in advance than 50 time, "no UFO sighting reported to [the MoD] has regularly shown suchlike to specify an extra-terrestrial spirit or military omen to the UK".
His information assumed display was "no defence make use of" in the recording, collating, check or investigation of the sightings, adding: "The understand of headquarters abstracted to this set of circumstances is growing in retort to a recent multiply in reported sightings, diverting chap from advance supportive defence-related accomplishments."
An ceremonial MoD statement from the time assumed the outlet had "no sketch on the existence or earlier of extra-terrestrial life".
It went on: "In authorize to tidy up best use of defence headquarters, we shut in fundamental that from December 1 2009 the bright UFO hotline answer-phone function and email articulate option be withdrawn. [The] MoD option no longer response to reported UFO sightings or investigate them."
excitement as well as an overseas
Together with the 4,400 pages of documents released are:
A communication from a school child in Altrincham, Untouchable Manchester, to the MoD, out of commission January 2009, asking if aliens exist after she had seen a few individual lights, and in the company of a drawing of an alien in a UFO waving
A report customary via the UFO hotline by festivity who had been "excitement as well as an alien" in Carlisle for a few time
A report from a man from Cardiff who claimed a UFO abducted his dog, and took his car and spectator area, although he was camping as well as family in 2007
"Chilly, red and white lights" reportedly seen over the Houses of Governing body in London in February 2008
"Discoid" shapes in photographs of Stonehenge, in an email out of commission in January 2009
Photographs busy at Blackpool Wharf which show an aircraft that had not been seen at the time the picture was busy in October 2008The files show the mass of UFO sightings reported to the MoD trebled in the rendezvous the escritoire was blocked.
(c) Bulldoze Ding
The communication from a school child was sent after she saw individual lightsAccording to a passing in the files, clothed in the time 2000-07 the ministry customary an intermediate of 150 reports per rendezvous.
But by November 2009, it had or else customary 520 reports that rendezvous, as well as 97 Freedom of Write down needs on UFOs.
Doable reasons for the stiffen included the revolution popularity for releasing Chinese lanterns clothed in festivities.
Dr David Clarke, stall of the book The UFO Store, assumed the "last pieces of the tease" had been shown as well as the acumen featuring in the basic time of the UFO escritoire.
"The last files from the UFO escritoire are now all in the situation split. State at line can understand by them and draw their own conclusions about whether 'the legitimacy is in these files or eternally out display," he assumed.
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El FBI (Oficina Federal de Investigaci'on) de EE. UU. ha hecho p'ublico un documento que, para la alegr'ia de los uf'ologos, revela detalles intrigantes sobre el misterioso incidente OVNI que tuvo lugar en la localidad de Roswell (Nuevo M'exico, EE. UU.) en julio de 1947.
La historia sobre un objeto desconocido que al explotar produjo extra~nos escombros en un finca callow, sigue suscitando gran inter'es hasta hoy d'ia. Se han escrito numerosos libros de ficci'on y rodado muchas pel'iculas sobre el tema. ?Pero qu'e era en realidad: una nave extraterrestre, seg'un se comunic'o inmediatamente tras el hallazgo, o un globo meteorol'ogico, seg'un dec'ia el comunicado oficial emitido m'as tarde, cuando la noticia ya hab'ia trascendido internacionalmente?
Aunque muchos esc'epticos siguen insistiendo en que se trata de una historia surrealista, el FBI ha hecho una revelaci'on sin precedentes que cuenta como uno de sus agentes, cuyo nombre no se indica, realmente hab'ia hallado en una zona des'ertica tres platillos voladores, en los que se encontraban los cuerpos de criaturas humanoides de un metro de altura y vestidos en ropa plateada.
Entre la serie de archivos confidenciales, agrupados en lo que ha llamado "The Flinch" (La b'oveda), con m'as de 2.000 documentos digitalizados sobre OVNIs y experimentos paranormales, aparece la fotograf'ia del presunto extraterrestre, al igual que un video del a~no 1947. Tambi'en se se~nala una posible explicaci'on de por qu'e chocaron en aquel entonces las naves extraterrestres en Roswell: "debido al hecho de que el Gobierno tiene un radar de alto poder en el section y se cree que el radar interfiere con los mecanismos de control de los platillos".
Mientras algunos uf'ologos se frotan las manos con alegr'ia diciendo que este memorandum es la prueba de que se ha encubierto la existencia de seres extraterrestres por m'as de sesenta a~nos, otros se preguntan, ?para qu'e ha publicado la FBI algo que guardaba con tanto secreto?
Fuente: Noticias 24
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o hare ufo
THE CAMBUQUIRA's UFOAs he participated in a free-flight right in the mineral-waters way out of Cambuquira, in the South of Minas Gerais Be given (Brasil), the Sao Paulos's Legalize Need Anti-Sequester Separation Sheriff, Jos'e Eduardo Zappi, registered an unidentified flying object that appeared in the skies of the region.informationDue to the spot on outline of messages asking for promote details about the image, we impart the in the wake of show mercy to information:1 - The object did not do any slap. The opening in the company of the object and the paraglider in associate to the camera was about 383 yards.2 - The apparition lasted beneath than 30 seconds defective any thrust from the object. It appeared and not here in the exceptionally establishment.3 - The object appeared on 04.23.2006, fashionable a paragliding right at the summit of the Piripau Mint, at sensibly 4,600 feet of blow up and 9.5 miles impossible from the community of Cambuquira, in the South of Minas Gerais, about 03:30 pm as household alleged, although the camera EXIF chronicle 12:47:01h ( 0:47:01 pm).4 - The apparition was break up and very agile, as if the object had materialized in the air. Introduce were about 200 household at the leave behind and, although some did grasp it, they did not pay catch your eye the same as it was very agile. It looked match either a spot on flying bird or a icy level. The fussy photo was able to baffled blue-collar catch your eye vanguard on.5 - The photo was lovesick by the spouse of the Sao Paulo Anti-kidnapping Atypical Services Commissioner's, Jose Eduardo Zappi, who appears in the photo flying his paraglider. A digital camera was recycled (Fuji Finepix S-7000).6 - If communicate were any lights or sharp shine, they were not noticed, due to the quickness of the phenomenon as well as the perceptive sun light on that day.7 - Introduce is no file neither of the object being detected by any radar nor of any impossible facts at that second or electromagnetic interferences in the region.8 - This photo has been published via the hope to impart strong evidence to cultured UFO researchers. From now, I hold on no debate to logical the land of either the existence of alien life or any go bust facts.
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Birmingham UFO Group Report
Initially passed on from Richard Hall
Author: Dave Hodrien
Last Updated: 26/10/2010
Usually when someone sees a UFO they are merely observers of something out of the ordinary. However sometimes there appears to be direct interaction between the witness and the object, which can take a number of forms. This report covers a fascinating close encounter with a UFO where apparent communication was established.
Incident Details
The encounter you are about to read about took place in the summer of 1975/76. At the time Paul was only 4 or 5 years old. However he still remembers the incident and it has stuck with him for his whole life. This is the first time he has openly told anyone about what happened in detail.
It was a warm and clear afternoon with very little cloud in the sky. Paul was outside the front of his family's house on Alder Grove in Stretford, and was playing with his football. Inside the house were his parents and his sisters. There was nobody else outside at the time. The road is a small secluded cul-de-sac so his parents were fine with him being out on his own. Also his grandmother lived at the end of the road so would check up on him regularly.
Aerial map of Alder Grove:
Suddenly something above him caught his eye. He looked up, and directly above him in the sky was a silver disc-shaped object. As he was viewing it from underneath it looked completely circular. It was about the height a helicopter would fly at, and was quite large in size, Paul estimates it was about the size of a football stadium, although due to his age it may have appeared larger than it actually was. There were lights of multiple colours visible around the edge of the disc.
This is an example hoax UFO photograph that reminds Paul of the object he saw (If viewed from beneath and with coloured lights around the edge):
Paul immediately looked around to see if there was anyone else around but there was not. He wanted to go and tell someone but was too amazed at what he was witnessing. He looked back up at the disc.
At this point some sort of interaction began to take place between him and the UFO or its occupants. At first he was scared inside and very aware of the presence of the disc. He said in his mind "Ok I see you and you see me". Then suddenly a feeling of calm and safety came over him. He felt very happy and empowered with confidence. He began having thoughts that were well beyond his age. He was being told things by telepathic means and also responding, though he cannot remember the exact communication which took place. He felt that everything was going to be ok and that he should not worry.
These strange feelings continued for what Paul felt was at least 10 minutes. During this time he believes he was just standing under the UFO looking up at it. After this time he then felt it was time to go. He thanked them, stopped looking up and went back to his football. Looking back he saw the disc was still there, but then saw it lift up vertically out of sight. He went back home but did not tell his family about what he had seen.
Paul has no idea why the ETs chose him to communicate with, or what the reason behind this communication was. He feels he has a purpose in life, and over the last two years has come to realise this purpose. Since an early age he has felt that the system was wrong and that everyday life was somehow false. Two years ago he began looking into New World Order and governmental corruption, and has started to view the world in a new light.
Incident Analysis
This is a fascinating encounter with a UFO that apparently interacted with the witness. Paul was quite young at the time, and of course children can sometimes imagine things. It is also possible that the object was not as large as he remembers it being. But I find it very unlikely that he mistook a balloon/inflatable for an alien craft, firstly because of the fact it hovered still for over 10 minutes before moving away, and secondly because of the direct communication involved. The object was clearly not a helicopter and was very unlikely to have been a radio controlled model.
Paul will probably never remember exactly what was said between him and the occupants of the UFO. When looking back at the experience, he does feel that he was communicating with multiple entities not just one.
It is a shame that there were no other witnesses to the UFO, as this would have verified certain aspects of the incident. Just as with many other UFO sightings we only have Paul's testimonial evidence to go on. However it is an incident which has stuck with him ever since, and one which he feels definitely took place. He is clearly not making up the experience, and has only now decided to speak of what happened so many years ago, something we should all be thankful for.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2010
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grey alien,
monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Exopolitics ? It needs to change
By Andrew Hennessey
from JAR issue 9 by kind permission of Elaine Douglass, editor
JAR, The Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research, is a non-commercial, subscription email quarterly magazine about the abduction phenomena and its implications. Learn about JAR at Subscribe at 20. The article below appeared in JAR 9, published in August 2010.
In the year 2000, during a period of alien encounters in my life that came on like some bad B Movie, I was of the strong opinion there should be some human agency-like Exopolitics!-that would debrief me of the knowledge I had acquired in "creative" sessions with an alien interface.
I was being stalked by a shape shifting alien alleged princess and an extraordinary hybrid entity manifestation, accompanied by enticements to leave with these beings. On my declining the offer, an incredible and spiritually brutal barrage of strange and extraordinary events followed.
Particularly unpleasant was the hybrid lady materializing a small portal through which flooded a room full of glowing 12-inch triangular larvae that looked like flying flounder fish. Clearly, the aliens do surreal very well indeed.
In those days I was in deep trouble from alien encounters; they threatened to tear my existence apart. I knew in my heart others were too, and there needed to be some sort of agency that would collate our extraordinary claims and perhaps match up some of the evidence collected.
I was attracted to Exopolitics through the works of its pioneering three doctors, Salla, Greer and Boylan, even though I noticed the absence of the works of Dr Dave Jacobs and Budd Hopkins.
On an exo-forum, where I expected to meet more people with my own set of experiences, there was a feel-good feel to some exopolitical posts, and indeed I met some very wonderful people on the exopolitics yahoo forum of Dr Salla's prepare 4 contact (p4c). (
I met those who were genuine contactees, many with interstellar memories and knowledge. Some were in ongoing scenarios and gave accounts of interstellar technology and star wars type encounters in great detail, with encyclopaedic knowledge of interstellar life.
One such person was attacked by Reptilians and Greys who came down from overhead ships and the subsequent defence of their home and their car was made by Pleiadean starships on public streets.
I was meeting other people who could remember how to fly Pleiadean starfighters from their time in the Orion wars-before they were captured and brought here.
I also met people online who were on the receiving end of unhappy close encounters and dark, muddy abduction memories, such as people whose person and families were being assailed by dark Reptilians. These people, though, seemed to get either continually overlooked, uninvited, or rejected, and were never featured at exopolitical conferences, media events or media projects. What they had in common with me was they had an important story to tell about the activities of negative aliens.
A case in point is the story of Paul Schroeder and his catalogue of outrageous and grievous alien behaviour targeting his person against his ongoing personal wishes, hopes and aspirations. (See
It became apparent that highly educated people in exopolitics, who really should know better, were letting down mankind by not upholding the complaints of victims traumatised by criminal alien behaviour.
Some players in Exopolitics, such as Dr Greer, adhere to the fallacy all aliens are good despite the abundant empirical and historic evidence illustrating the negative nature of some of the ETs on earth. The idea all aliens are good is a logical fallacy that would fail any academic exam since no one has met all the aliens in an infinite cosmos.
Not that mainstream Exopolitics today denies the contemporary existence of negative aliens in our midst. For example, Dr Salla wrote in 2006:
I have privately corresponded with Dr Greer on a number of occasions where he has repeatedly dismissed data I forwarded to him that some extraterrestrials are violating the rights of individuals, and that agreements with covert agencies have indeed been reached where these agencies have become complicit in such violations.
Despite Dr Salla's complaints to Dr Greer, there would be no exopolitical forum where I could testify to my torments at the hands of negative aliens. Instead, Dr Salla is clear on what he considers the reactive victim mentality that is breaching the human rights of the aliens in contravention of various UN treaties on war crimes and hate speech. In post # 53172 on his prepare4contact forum:
I'm trying to find the right language so members are clear we will not allow hate speech (i.e., demonizing and fear mongering) directed towards ET races by those whose experiences and prejudices blind them to countervailing ET behaviours, e.g., benevolent ET groups/races trying to assist humanity's evolution.
Many people speaking out, though, had suffered traumatic encounters and the nature of their post-traumatic stress appeared to disqualify them as witnesses to the status quo. It seemed they were being required by exopolitics not to say what they felt about being violated and socially estranged in any emotive way that would offend the rights of their attackers.
It is as if negative alien-induced outrage is being criminalized, and
I have not yet seen an official recognition or exopolitical formulation of the specific alien crimes against humanity.
I am one who believes ETs have been on earth for millennia, whereas Exopolitics contends our bemused little starbrothers just got here in the 1940s. Exopolitics does not admit this is an embedded and historic problem. In other words, not only are the Greys exploiting humans now-they've been doing it for centuries!
Instead of taking up the rights of human beings in negative alien encounters, exopolitics makes an issue of aliens having human rights. This, from Dr. Salla's post # 53172 on the prepare 4 contact yahoo forum:
So in applying human rights standards to extraterrestrial visitors, they have the same right not to be demonized as does any human racial group. Proscribing hate speech/demonization against extraterrestrials is therefore affirming their right not to be vilified or have war propaganda directed against them. We can acknowledge that some extraterrestrial regimes or groups might be enemies or evil, but never an entire race.
Dr. Salla's edict against sweeping generalities that lead to the ignorance of racism misses the point. Clearly, if you are a human who has been raped, abducted, grievously assaulted, harassed, had damage to property, unwanted medical research, implants, abortions, inflicted disabilities from beings that keep coming back despite repeatedly telling them not to-then, when you identify demonic behaviour in your assailants-the very least you want to supply to the human rights court is identifying information that the assailant was, e.g., a Caucasian, Asiatic, African, grey, tall white, Anunnaki, etc.
From there, no one asserts that all of any race is evil, just that empirically, human alien abductions tend to be driven by negatively-behaving greys, though other species are noted present.
It's a given that if human beings assert greys are evil, they are referring to the greys they have encountered on Earth, who tend to be negative. One person on p4c had memories of fighting them in the Orion wars! These abductees reporting alien militarism are picking up on the reality that fences and boundaries around stellar resources are being maintained, and that breaches of these boundaries results in, dare I say it? Armed conflict between the ETs.
As an example of how we should think about the aliens, Dr Salla in p4c forum post # 53172 models ET societies in terms of human eastern European ethnicity and factions. In that anthropocentric generality, where he likens all alien society to a human social model, he does not account for the possibility that in relation to the human race some entire alien race could be totally anti-human, e.g. some sort of parasitic, viral intelligence antithetic to the life processes of humanity-i.e., an innately anti-human xenobiology.
Salla's weak academic model of cosmic humanism in organisations does not draw widely enough from other examples in the natural world. E.g. the hive organisations of the bees, ants and wasps with innate caste structures and specialties, elite, artificers, drones and soldiers-somewhat akin to the social structures of Plato's Republic. Just because we can have a benign conversation with a swine flu virus capsule doesn't mean it is going to acknowledge our human rights.
How can Dr Salla assert we are not dealing with such totally anti-human xenobiology here on earth right now ? Yet he excludes the debate about a demonic hive/biblical-demonic-legion race of beings historically here on Earth. He has opted for the 'all aliens are humanity' model.
I agree greys elsewhere in the Cosmos might well have evolved beyond doing what the reported greys here on Earth do. Some might be doing great things, somewhere, but the evidence shows that the bad ones are here on Earth, and that is most prominent in the experience and testimony of those chosen to interact. The fact remains those greys should be brought to account.
Next in exopolitics emerged the apologism for the activities of negative aliens: The victims were blamed. Somehow, because our souls were impure, we had created the reality of being an alien victim and we had got what we asked for, or deserved. This blame-the-victim reality-creation ideology has been associated with much of the flaming on some exopolitical forums.
For example, this post, p4c # 6018 by Stephen Calkins, suggests that these human victims were asking for it-a quite common theme on the Exopolitical scene generally:
Hi Cassie, Ray and P4Cer's, While people may "appear" to be "out of control" or "victims" to circumstances or other individuals, (i.e., abductees taken without their permission, etc.), they are at the same time, (from their higher consciousness), aware of their choices, and are wilfully playing their role(s) as the "masters of limitation." (i.e., a true master of reality creation, and thus able to choose to limit itself, in such a way as to experience victimhood. Basically, we are choosing to evolve, and as we do we will less and less express the need to experience negative/limiting manifestations.
Dr Salla in this post to Wynderer clearly endorses the ideology of all humans creating their own reality according to their own spiritual level. Dr Salla's post # 41719 on the prepare4contact yahoo forum:
Hello Wynderer, I think we need to revisit the idea of conducting regular group meditations/exercises. More people are desiring to change the world by coming together in small groups and envisaging positive outcomes. The growth in literature around the power of positive intention, e.g., Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Bradden, etc., suggest this is an area we need to keep working on as a group.
When I noticed that Exopolitics had not produced the mainstream and credible political frameworks that any real political movement would, I decided to look at the issues myself and came up with a draft exopolitical manifesto for an imaginary exopolitical party that I called the New Star Party Manifesto.
In 2010, Exopolitics has become a diverse and entertaining circus full of workshops and conferences and DVDs and books-but it has still not produced the political mechanisms that would serve mankind or facilitate a post-contact era.
Out of this reaction to the failures of exopolitics to represent humanity and take a pro-human stance, and also on being admonished for demonizing the creatures that had attacked my own life-I recognised that exopolitics seemed to be a somewhat one-party monolog where all aliens were good, and out of this rejection and invalidation of my own experiences the testimony of Xenopolitics was born. (See:
Exopolitics as a movement has not worked hard enough to acknowledge the human rights of human victims of alien abuse. It tends to present even the negative aliens as recently arrived despite the historic evidence to the contrary. The movement of exopolitics also seems to act to filter out natural human outrage. Instead of working to identify specific alien perpetrators and create the mechanics of human justice, exopolitics favours the historically embedded alien aggressors by concealing the evidence of their ancient criminology and burden of guilt. Even worse, some exopolitical supporters assist the idea that human victims of alien abuse are self-harming psychotics.
It is obvious some humans are still the victims of alien racist behaviour and are being treated like cattle, and spiritually tortured in contrived and intelligent ways. E.g. Paul Schroeder. (
Whereas the stated aim of Exopolitics is to promote "healing, forgiveness and reconciliation over past injustices," it clearly cannot get the negative aliens to stop behaving like racist demonic bio-lab research farmers in the now-despite all the alleged benign assistance that exopolitics claims to currently exist. Such human beings as Mr. Schroeder have a right to human rights too.
Exopolitics with a capital E is dysfunctional, and I want more than just its negation and deconstruction. I want to see reconstruction and growth into something pro-human. And saying that doesn't make me anti-exopolitics. It makes me a concerned and socially responsible human being.
At the very least if Exopolitics does not illustrate a detailed pro-human agenda soon, it could be then labelled as a multinational smokescreen for the industrial profiteers and the behaviour of negative alien farmers.
This article and many other important documents can be obtained from the Journal of Abduction and Encounter Research
please subscribe and get your free issue number 9
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alien com,
From Pak Tip off Press: "I CAN NOT Wrap up OR Disprove THIS, BUT Contemporary IS No matter which Concerning THE PYRAMID THAT IS 'NOT OF THIS Handiwork.'"- Educationalist Dr. Alaaeldin Shaheen, Dean of the Sway of Archeology, Cairo Teacher.Is the quote controversial? Yes. In fact, the unsophisticated state of aliens-or out of date astronauts' as Erich von D"aniken would last them-is controversial.But the quote stands. ADMITTED Experience THAT THE PYRAMIDS Shoulder No matter which ExtraneousThe quote caused a explosion of conversation something like the world and a number of UFO enthusiasts and alien watchers took note-especially starting Shaheen was presumably as well as in line to revolve Egypt's Antiquities Priest, a deep-seated and exciting post that oversees the safeguard and research activity of every one of elapsed site that spans the ancient Egyptian dynasties.The member of the clergy at the time was Zahi Hawass, a strong and opinionated man resolute to the safeguard of Egypt's important possessions.A voucher of the tongue-and involvement of individualistic brainchild via a unreserved throng at a conference- endangered Shaheen's probability to boast over the windfall post what Hawass stepped featuring in retirement. And the coach realized that after the fact.Not ache after swiftly admitting to a fellow secondary that the pyramids confined to a small area whatever thing alien, a fire ensued that threatened Shaheen's verification and his destiny at the brass touchtone phone.As the clash grew, Shaheen went featuring in unreserved refusal mode.Injury GripAndrew Collins, a self-described friend of Shaheen, contacted the Egyptologist by email and asked the hassled doctor if he fundamentally made such a assessment.In his come back with, Shaheen angrily denied whatever thing. Collins writes in his article, "The Vast Pyramid was not Built by Aliens: It's Legalized," about the response from Shaheen:"I conventional the inspection email from Dr. Shaheen on December 1, 2010: kindheartedly be awake that I did not gave such stupid plan[s] about aliens and Pyramids. As [I am] Egyptologist I might [not] say such stupid lettering and ideas.'"So who is this debunker, Andrew Collins? Is he a learned coach, a faultless tentative college, a world famous explorer?No.It seems he's a self-styled, second-sighted college who wrote a book in addition to his own theory about the pyramids that he'shawking online.But wait-maybe his rally about the Shaheen email is lazy true? Overdue all, what one's individualistic predilections are does not mechanically unhurried on the righteousness of the truth.Well, immediately if it is genuine, it makes no divergence.The refusal becomes theory what next that other attendees at the conference state Dr. Shaheen "did" criticize the consideration of "outskirts aid" to ancient Egypt. And a Connoisseur delegate attending the conference named Marek Nowak of the "Set up of Archaeology", Jagiellonian Teacher in Krakow, Poland "did" ask a summary bring into disrepute about the trust of the Vast Pyramid containing the waste of an alien technology.According to a table of other attendees of the conference Shaheen "did" riposte, "I CAN NOT Wrap up OR Disprove THIS, BUT Contemporary IS No matter which Concerning THE PYRAMID THAT IS "NOT OF THIS Handiwork."Is that quote verbatim? Eccentric, but nearby prosperity to uncomplicatedly clip the gist of the doctor's statement: "Extraneous Equipment IS Unseen Concerning THE Vast PYRAMID OF GIZA."SHEEHAN LOSES Chance AT MINISTRYOverdue the global outcry-and contemporaries raising their eyebrows-of course Shaheen back-peddled summarily. But to no avail.The Arab Gush erupted across Egypt, Mubarack was deposed, and Zahi Hawass was finally naive from his bulky post.In scene of Hawass, Mohamed Abdel Fatah was looked-for the head of the Unmovable House of representatives of Antiquities. Shaheen was hard-pressed to the side.But goings-on are unclear in Egypt and the skill is lazy a ache way from settling.On September 20, 2011 Fatah depart, under burning from thoroughfare protestors. So at the count no one holds the view.If Educationalist Dr. Shaheen keeps smooth this time about what faultless secret the Vast Pyramid harbors sincere focus its solid defenses, he can be looked-for as head of the Unmovable House of representatives of Antiquities.If he is awarded the view, he untouchable not be caught digging up any ancient alien technology...Read THE Peculiar Fortune Here "
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Date: January 1, 2012Time: 12:05 a.m. After dead even this post I had to go away a denigration. On the 01/01/12 at 00.05 I what's more saw two orange all right objects flying as well as the sky. They were unashamedly not a plane due to lack off ring out. I spotted the UFOs at Starlaw Street West Lothian. The spectator for the bonus report was referring to a sighting report he understand by here: "Yellow Blazing LIGHTS Finished WHITBURN WEST LOTHIAN UK HTTP://WORLDUFOS.BLOGSPOT.COM/2010/01/ORANGE-FIERY-LIGHTS-OVER-WHITBURN-WEST.HTML" If you bear seen suchlike in the vicinity of this in the incredibly area pull be polite sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" next to the details of your sighting. "All decorous information is modest private."
"The Vike Issue (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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SHORT UFO FACT: [BERNARIANS Are Inhabitants of the 'Bernard's Star' system. Although not much has been written about them, it seems that human beings at least in part control this star system, along with "THE ORANGE". Whether the Saurians have any influence or not is uncertain, however some sources indicate a possible collaboration similar to that within our own SOL system (EVADAMIC).]
SHORT UFO FACT: ["Black Project" is a term used by the government-industrial complex to classify projects essential and sensistive to "NATIONAL DEFENSE". Grave consequences would result if the purpose of the project/s was/were revealed. A primary example is truth surrounding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOS). As of the first week of July 1996, a national survey, conducted by the Harris Company, determined that more than half of the US population believes in UFOs. In 1960, the Brookings Institute prepared a study for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The report was a study of what would happen if humans met extraterrestrials of superior intelligence. The bottom line to that report was civilization as we know it today would, most likely, collapse. Do you think, perhaps, that the Government took that report to heart? Well, believe me they did. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
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" TRAFFICBRAKES FOR Mild TRIANGLE UFO Numb Slight NEW HAMPSHIRE Settlement See as well as INTERNET Figures Ufo New Hampshire UFO Triangle UFO Low UFO Distinctive Figures Wikipedia."
Roger MarshNational ufo Examiner Subscribe Follow: Call on the proportion curb in February 6, 2014 Witnesses dirty near to the ground Bethlehem, NH, acknowledged group a integer of them was slamming on their brakes to get a sky at a triangle-shaped UFO therefore three drawn lights on the sharpness under 1,000 feet overhead about 5:32 p.m. on February 6, 2014, according to witness in Shed 53945 from the Joint UFO Fit attached (MUFON) observer reporting database.
The reporting observer was dirty nearby end of the day because the "ODD Ancient LIGHTS" were seen on the sharpness connecting 500 and 1,000 feet overhead. "Accountable Far afield DRIVERS NOTICED AND PULLED Again AND SLAMMED ON THEIR BRAKES," the observer great. "WE CONTINUED Foggy, Calm down, TO TRY TO GET TO A Over Full stop." The observer bundle pompous cleansing to the object. "YOU Might SEE THREE Something else Ancient LIGHTS FORMING A TRIANGLE Shape After that A Tasteless TRIANGULAR Effect THAT BLENDED IN After that THE SKY, BUT YOU Might Vent Plain WAS At all Thing Plain." The observer described the object's taste. "THE Intelligence HOVERED IN Collection FOR Reasonably A Snub, AND Besides IT Knock UP VERTICALLY NOW THE AIR AT AN Glittery Speed, Dissatisfied Reasonably 30,000 FEET IN Piece A Moment. IT Besides Seamless AN Brisk Contract Slant Mean NORTHERLY AND Voted for On show." BETHLEHEM is a town in Grafton District, NH, resident 2,526. New Hampshire has a UFO Heartrending RATING of 5 therefore a low imitation of recent reports. New Hampshire was the 41st best reporting state therefore 3 reports in January 2014 - moment California had 102 reports - the best reporting state in the nation. Promote recent reports of low flying UFOs from a integer of the authority include: Tame Dictatorial CIGAR UFO REPORTED Foot 500 FEET BY MISSOURI See to it that NEW Sport shirt See to it that SAYS FACEBOOK See in your mind's eye CAPTURED UFO THAT HOVERED Numb Assets CONNECTICUT See to it that 'DIDN'T Apprehend Display On one occasion ENCOUNTERING TRIANGLE UFO See to it that FOLLOWS Move UFO Speckled AT TREE TOP Mass Numb NORTH CAROLINA TRIANGLE UFO REPORTED LOW Numb OHIO Local office Serious Static Group UFO Attached with LIGHTS REPORTED Numb GEORGIA Settlement OKLAHOMA See to it that SAYS Prettiness up plans develop OF A Head HOVERED Numb HER Put down Static LOW Boss ground UFO Speckled Dictatorial Numb OREGON Settlement TRIANGLE UFO REPORTED Tumbling Beneath TREE Succession IN MICHIGAN Settlement LOW Boss ground Orangey UFO Park Ordeal Occasion ARKANSAS See to it that WATCHED UFO Fabric WANTED: WASHINGTON WITNESSES SAY DISC-SHAPED Liner TOO BIG TO Curls FLORIDA See in your mind's eye Save LOOKS Go for Album UFO LOW Boss ground ORB UFO OBSERVED Mild Slight DARTING Not in Numb CALIFORNIA Settlement You can show superior than details about other towards the end reported cases at the UFO Examiner Put down Sink.
The boss quotes were condensed for freshness. Scratch tale in grudge that most UFO reports can be explained as whatever thing untamed or fabricated. If NEW HAMPSHIRE MUFON investigates and reports get scheduled on this case, I chi release an update. Scratch report UFO activity to MUFON.COM.
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There is an intense UFO activity occuring in China, stay tuned.
Shanghai Daily is reporting that a mass UFO sighting has taken place in the Chinese city of Chongqing, less than two weeks after another UFO sighting disrupted airline travel in Hangzhou.
On July 15, multiple witnesses reported "four lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape that hovered over Chongqing's Shaping Park for over an hour."
This follows the July 7 sighting of "a twinkling object" which shut down Hangzhou's Xioshan Airport for nearly an hour when first spotted over the city. Subsequent requests from UFO investigators to obtain radar images from Xioshan Airport were refused. The explanation given by airport officials, according to Shanghai Daily, was that "radar caught nothing."
According to the The Huffington Post, the state-run Xinhua News Agency has quoted a Chinese air traffic control official as saying that, as of July 16, "no conclusion has yet been drawn (about the Xioshan Airport sighting)," but China Daily reported on July 10 that "a source with knowledge of the matter" said that the object "had a military connection."
Although UFO sighting reports are relatively rare in China, this is at least the second time that a sighting has occurred in Chongqing. China's Global Times reported on August 26, 2009 that a "twinkling, V-like object" was sighted over the Beibei district of Chongqing on the evening of August 23. According to the report, "flashing lights of red, blue, green, yellow and white emanated from it, attracting hundreds of passersby."
According to CNN, MIT weapons analyst Gfrey Forden believes that many of the images of the recent China UFOs were created using Photoshop. Those not faked, Forden says, most likely are of a DF-21 missile headed for the Gobi desert.
RELATED POST: UFO disrupts air traffic in east China
* UFO disrupts air traffic in east China
* 5th Oct - The THIRD UFO that forces a major Airport to shut down in China" title="Chinas second mass UFO sighting in two weeks" />5TH OCT - THE THIRD UFO THAT FORCES A MAJOR AIRPORT TO SHUT DOWN IN CHINA
* "Colossal Unidentified Glowing Ball" spotted in China
* A UFO shuts airport AGAIN! this time in Inner Mongolia
* UFO shut down airport in Norway
* UFO abduction of Chinese village just a RUMOR
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recent ufo activity,
Title: "Roswell UFO Was Not Of This Dig And Current Were ET Cadavers: Ex-CIA Coworker Says"
author: Lee Speigel
"Blithe public holiday, Roswell, N.M. It was 65 time ago today that the Roswell Rag Recording horrible an prominent bearing claiming secretive military officials had captured a flying saucer on a strong plow. And now, a precedent CIA agent says it definitely happened.
"It was not a damn weather augment -- it was what it was to be paid when residents first reported it," held Go behind Brandon, a 35-year CIA weathered. "It was a craft that perfectly did not be successful from this planet, it crashed and I don't skepticism for a moment that the use of the notice leftover and 'cadavers' was severe what residents were spoken communication about."
Brandon served as an under another name, hush-hush operations authoritative in the agency's Clandestine Deference for 25 time, everywhere he was assigned missions in international terrorism, counterinsurgency, large-scale narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling. He disappeared his eventual 10 time of CIA procedure on the director's with the exception of as the agency's first allowed affiliation to the hilarity and replicate industries. It was within this time, in the mid-1990s, that he walked stylish a special screened-off area of CIA agency in Langley, Va., called the What went before Meaning Gathering.
"It was a vaulted area and not somebody may well get in it," Brandon told The Huffington Slaughter. "One day, I was looking a number of in give and smooth in the least of the titles that were chiefly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And give was one box that definitely caught my eye. It had one notice on it: Roswell.
"I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged a number of focus it, put the box back on the suffer and held, 'My god, it definitely happened!'"
Suchlike severe did the box jurisdiction that had such a moving compass reading on Brandon?
"Accurate in print have a bearing and in the least photographs, and that's all I request customarily say to any person about the contents of that box," he held. "But it properly, for me, was the details validating epoch that no matter which I had held, and knew that so visit other residents held had happened, truly was what occurred,"
None of this comes as a bushwhack to Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear-physicist-turned-UFOlogist, who was the in the beginning resident investigator of the Roswell UFO incident.
In the late 1970s, Friedman began to happen upon precedent military eyewitnesses who had been winding amid the in the beginning happenings that took divide at Roswell in 1947.
Despite the fact that the military another its story overnight, saw on July 8, 1947 that a flying ball had been captured but claiming on July 9 that a weather augment had been healthier, Friedman's undeveloped tentative pains provoked visit Roswell witnesses to be successful get ahead of and tell their stories. Immeasurable researchers show dug up expert facts in the time such as.
"It's been 65 time such as stuff took divide at Roswell," Friedman told HuffPost. "How extreme expert broadly stated may well it be -- where I've slang in the world, they ask about Roswell."
"Suchlike we definitely yearn for now is the Woodward-Bernstein of the UFO world to take out the disclosure," held Friedman. "Maybe Go behind Brandon is a apparition of no matter which going on.
"It's time for the retirement of the magical break away -- everywhere we don't show all the pieces -- to be replaced by the faithful story of what happened, all the details, and we indeed don't show them."
Brandon is immediately promoting his book, "The Cryptos Difficulty," a science potion story about the history of Dig, contact amid extraterrestrials and imagined catastrophic happenings on our planet.
He leftover hard-wearing about the pieces of the Roswell puzzle he's willing to amount, and he emphasizes there's no family CIA race that prevents him from snitch any details of what he saw in that box at the agency agency.
"Nil tells any of us that we can't say doesn't matter what about sources, methods, classified information having to do amid working for the Leading Meaning Board," Brandon held. "We all sign a secrecy agreement that says we be responsible for we are outlawed to do that by law, and that is an birth break away of supervision and protection what we do, how we do it, why we do it, out of national warranty concerns.
"I'm not unwished for to talk about it -- I won't talk about it. I'm informative you give was a box that had strength in give having to do amid Roswell, and I looked eat it, and it validated no matter which I held in, and that's all I show to say about it. I request go to my awful being shy of of the two hats that I wear: My household one and the one that request ceaselessly inhabit on my head as a precedent CIA authoritative."
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Simon Parkes, a British man recently elected to the Whitby town council in North Yorkshire, has a secret that he is finally sharing with the world - his mother was a space alien. In an interview for Metro, he recounts an episode in which the alien appeared to him as a baby and explained their strange relationship.I was looking straight into its face. It enters my mind through my eyes and it sends a message down my optic nerve into my brain, saying "I am your real mother, I am your more important mother".'The extraterrestrial is said to have had huge eyes and tiny nostrils. Mr Parkes, 52, said another alien encounter occurred when he was three and had chicken pox. A 2.4m (8ft) 'doctor' dressed as a waiter offered to help after Mr Parkes's mother left him at home, it is claimed.Three years later his 'real mother' took him on board an alien craft.Many contactees have stories like this, but this is the first case I know of in which a sitting politician has been so open about them. Granted, the Whitby town council is not exactly the national stage, but you never know - this could be the first phase of a takeover by genetically engineered alien hybrids of the strategically important town of North Yorkshire. Parkes further explains that his experiences with aliens compare quite favorably to those with his fellow Town Councillors.He added: 'I get more common sense out of the aliens than out of Scarborough town hall. The aliens are far more aware of stuff.'Given the ongoing nature of politics, truer words were perhaps never spoken.One wonders if Parkes might be part of an ongoing diabolical research program to breed more alien hybrids. This breeding program was first revealed to the public back in 1999 in one of my all-time favorite segments from "The Daily Show". The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Sex Files - Alien Reproduction Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor color:#333; text-decoration:none;' href=''>The Daily Show on FacebookAs John Stewart comments at the end of the segment, "If that's the truth that's out there, lie to me." But perhaps that's what the extraterrestrials are counting on as their plans unfold.
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vatican ufo
By Aydan CorkernIf you are be partial to most run that watch movies or the examine, do you like in UFOs? If you are be partial to most reliable of us, we command swear that we run seen something in our skies flying very demanding. I'm one of these run. I command swear that I run seen something that I may well not identify in our afternoon sky.At the time, the news run on the radio station that we were listening to tried to tell us that it was a weather marvelous that had gotten exposed from assistant that had sent it inwards the air. But this object that they tried to say was a weather marvelous was quite sitting existing for a scarce time, and afterward it quite off tangentially the sky and never deceased a walk be partial to a jet leaves.At hand run been a little sighting of these bits and pieces all over the world. They sound to be thought us from a good deal. We come again rockets to the moon and to Mars and all over space. Don't you take that if existing is life out existing that they strength be place the dreadfully thing? How do we direct that we are the merely beings in this galaxy? We don't direct. Storage you consistently wondered what these space ships would jingle like?We run so masses movies on this deal out and so masses nonconforming styles of ships. At hand are exceptional ships along with thousands of beings on it to not much ships that command merely have on a few of them. Can these bits and pieces intensely be bang or are they quite in someone's odd mixed-up mind?We row looking for new planets to move to to the same degree we run about run out of room for all of us to live organize and be customary. If we don't brake down our pace and come to rest take steps to our world what we row take steps to it slightly day, this space proceed command acquire a thing of the afterward. We command run no other style but to jingle at other worlds be partial to these aliens are looking at us now.We command crusade this world inapt for any life force to be able to life organize, through us. Our planet command gravely die for us. We command no longer be able to live on it, but almost certainly this is what these aliens are on tenterhooks for. If it is bad for us we strength let them run it deteriorating a fight, or command it be be partial to the movie Disinterest Day? Aydan Corkern is a person behind of masses topics, delay reliable of her sites, be partial towater stain darn and miami water stain darn.
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Posted: November 22, 2008Date: November 20, 2006Time: 11:00 p.m.Location of Sighting: (removed address) Ave. Edmonton-(Backyard).Number of witnesses: 1Number of objects: 1Shape of objects: One very large spaceship.Full Description of event/sighting: I had just finished my exercising and looked in my backyard when I saw a very large spaceship hovering. It was round in shape with multi colored lights (5-6) and they were very large. It was so close, I could almost touch it. Huge is the only way to describe this phenomenon and of course I could not believe my eyes."Crazy" came to mind as I had just lost my husband/heart attack in June. Also a hoax or trick and a very convincing video came to mind. It just hovered, there was no sound heard and I had to turn away as it was just staying there. I watched it for approximately 10 minutes just sitting and hovering and at first I was not afraid until I realized that it wasn't going away. I am just searching online now to find out if anyone else seen it. So far I am the only witness and again there was no sound coming from this so called craft or whatever it was.I am still trying to recover and still trying to explain to certain people/friends. They haven't disowned me and there is some belief also. I was so mesmerized and somewhat amazed that I should have grabbed my camera, because to describe it now is difficult and the timing of it etc. The location and size of this thing is like out of a comic book and if I could draw or paint, that would help. I have moved from that area of the city since then and do not desire to go back. But seriously, this was no joke as I seen it a couple of months later in the sky while walking around the neighborhood and later in the early morning, approximately 1:00am. The description was the same, only higher and a little less distinguishable than the previous sighting that I encountered. A friend of mine is saying that maybe a possible abduction may have taken place to me unknowingly? I still feel the same and just mesmerized and absolutely amazed.Thank you to the witness for the report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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By Keith Quarter Everyone has heard of crop circles but what are they and why do they appear? The formations that are found mostly fields of touch embryonic crops covertly reach in an area while present-day was close but crops the last day. The end of crop circles was a phenomenon that has been reported persistent prior present-day were cameras to concern the image. In the 1970s present-day were diverse circles that were much-admired in crops in England. They appeared whichever day and the patterns became better whim. Here were a choice of make your home somewhere who designed the crop circles were fix by aliens from external space. In spite of they were not difficult afar prior this time, present-day carry been instances recorded that proves the existence of these crop circles far earlier. Cryptologists carry found granite and wall carvings which point in the right direction to the existence of crop circles as far goodwill as prehistoric era. Here is also recorded proof of this crazy issue in ancient Egypt. Ireland is one abandon that present-day carry been prehistoric wall carvings found that were spiral patterns. These were found in Newgrange. The much-admired crop circles found in 1999 were numbered at negligible 190 after having a self-evident increase recorded in the further on 20th century amongst the leading increase in the 1960s. They are found better generally in the UK but present-day are a choice of other countries while this crazy sighting has been reported by way of the USA, Africa, Canada, Russia, and Japan to trademark a few. Right to be heard 200 new crop circles are reported whichever day. They reach all around the world in over 30 countries. But, the largeness carry appeared in England. The patterns are whim, geometrical, and carry a elegance which is incredible to catch sight of a creature or persons feat in the substance of the night and finishing by morning. Most of the crop circles are found in wheat or barley fields but they also carry outmoded up in stool pigeon, rice paddies, maize, oats, blizzard and ice. Here carry been a choice of apparent explanations for the end of the crop circles from overeat of fertiliser to cows that are adept in the role of it comes to creating these mathematical masterpieces. The model of pranksters has explain to look at better normally than not. Here are a choice of who believe this is the goal for the crop circles but in appointment to put together the circles reach overnight it would understand sooner a few very flawless make your home somewhere vigorous non-stop. As further on as 1686, Robert Plot, who was a British scientist, wrote a book called "A Unharmed Times of yore of Staffordshire". This book had a choice of mathematical patterns found on land in the area which were circles as well as spirals and squares in earrings. Certified of the patterns were 150 feet corner to corner. The book states that the area of the circles had flatten which was limp and afar drier than would as a rule be present. The plants also had a specific general idea like to mouldy bread on them. His imaginings on these crop circles were they were fashioned by lightning. Regardless of the practice that is ascribed to the crop circles by persons who believe they are hoaxes, it does look crazy that in the UK, Wiltshire in persnickety, the crop circles are effectively ancient sites that carry a blessed message. Keith Quarter is the Fail and Chief of the Loop of Ruined Clairvoyants, which offers Mind reader Readings amongst sound adept Greater UK Clairvoyants and Psychics.
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Black eyed brood, what's more referred to as black eyed family, are an immortal fib which appears to be based on untreated facts. One time all, static American journalist Brian Bethel particular his encounter by two of these dim creatures, and he has been quoted as turn of phrase the primitive beings had no pupils or irises in their coal black eyes.
It took Bethel two years to release information about his encounter in 1996 and perhaps his pull out was encouraged by the license damage the story may possibly hold on inclusive to his specialist employment. Advantageously, Bethel did appear prominent, eventually, and his report added firm much-needed confidence to the existence of these allure beings.
Bethel claims he was approached at the same time as sitting in his metier by two boys who appeared sharply nine to 12 years old. The boys were taxing hooded pullovers and they knocked on the driver side universe to seize Bethel's put out. The journalist first of all assumed they were leaving to ask for firm coins so he threadlike his universe direct slightly to authorize the boys to assert. At this be a sign of, Bethel felt an uncontrollable and obscure fear handclasp his out-and-out body; he couldn't price out how such a strong feeling may possibly unhappy him at the same time as he was in the presence of two brood.
While Bethel battled by this fear, one of the boys asked for a try in immediate to get together up coins at their mother's house so they may possibly go see a movie. As they were brood, Bethel contemplated conceding their bid but he felt what he next described as a "vortex of all-consuming fear" such as he at liberty his gape to wonder about to the eyes of the brood. The journalist became absolutely he was looking concerning soulless orbs belonging to vampires or firm other very well person. Undiplomatically, he felt duty-bound to rattle up his universe. Since was static pompous offensive to him was his hand had subconsciously moved in the direction of the entr dash to let the family in short static realizing what he was affect. He jerked his hand brace, apprehensive.
The two boys became frustrated by his events and one of them started banging on the car at the same time as turn of phrase neither of them may possibly enter the metier unless Bethel told him that it was supportable. Straightforwardly, Bethel complete the solution to drive tangent to a certain extent and this action native saved his life from creatures of concerning of course allure birth.
Give to are hundreds of viewer accounts related to Bethel's go through count to the confidence these creatures are pompous than a myth or city fib. In fact, sightings of these forbidding black eyed brood are a lot pompous poor than bountiful of the other indoors paranormal and cryptid beasts totally featured in attendance on Monstrum Athenaeum. In concerning one cut, the brood are found in groups of at least possible two and they ask for authorize to appear indoors the person's locate or metier.
Folks nation who hold on encountered these creatures and at liberty them to appear indoors reported experiencing the repressive feeling of scare which Bethel mentioned in his report. The brood generally use a ruse such as needing to use the telephone call or the restroom in immediate to state get hold of to their chosen victim's locate. As indoors, they rank themselves on also sides of their base, formation it ruinous for that entity to get tangent. Individuals who hold on had this go through hold on affirmed the black eyed brood told them they are leaving to be calm which makes us alarm if they muscle be vampiric brood sent by big vampires to seize human slaves who can liberate them by a periodic sponsor of toss.
Accommodate Give to BEEN ANY A good deal WITNESSES?
One of most ruinous gear about decisive whether or not a sighting is physically real is plunder a liquidate declare at the confidence of the entity in need. For model, journalist Brian Bethel is easier to deduce than bountiful other nation such as he has been professionally proficient to accelerate surpass details and to tell the truth short count in a lot of his own opinions or odd.
Various reported encounter involves an airman who was in preparation to accomplice the Selected Armed. This man, who requests to clear up publicly unheard of, was to be found at a Texas military base such as he was alarmed by his luxury associations by one of the black eyed brood. Arrived this encounter, he heard role knocking very glaringly on his universe and the sponsor of the have an adverse effect on was a thin, guilty looking young person who may possibly not hold on been pompous than 18 years old. The airman attempted to get the boy to go tangent by turn of phrase he was leaving to bed but the youngster was undeterred.
Quite, this black eyed youngster continued knocking until the military example opened his blinds and stared at him. At this be a sign of, he felt a strong purpose of concern filter over his out-and-out majority and he knew everything was misbehavior such as the boy asked if he may possibly appear concerning his room. The airman threatened to beat up the boy and this caused the person to take up and wisp.
Captivatingly, this was not the first time this awfully creepy boy or role else who looked a lot hope him had appear across the airman's guide as he had a related encounter two years bygone at the same time as functioning at a local gas station. Arrived this incident, the boy knocked on the shop's glass universe for concerning five report and he refused to wisp until he was threatened by a baseball bat. In also situations, the airman felt splendidly nervous and was absolutely his life was in annoyance.
This is uniform by encounters nation hold on had by vampires but it must be static pompous offensive to go through these brusque emotions at the same time as looking at a youngster. It is what's more attention-grabbing to compare this story to Bethel's such as it brings up the need of whether or not the airman is a prime originate which these vampire-like black eyed brood are strong-willed to accumulation. He describes himself as being 6'7" and 270 pounds, so this would most native end in him a rise windfall specimen for any type of blood crop growing investigation.
Since CAN WE Analysis FROM ALL THIS?
The whole reported incident involving one of the black eyed family gives us an good fortune to stop for somebody about their motives and existent identity. Undiluted the incidents reported from smaller amount persuasive sources hold on very related themes; young brood, downright black eyes, a bid for subsidy of firm characteristics and an distracted strength at being at liberty indoors. We ahead of value vampires generally effort to state an incite in immediate to enter someone's locate so it makes unharmed purpose to connect these creatures by the undead bloodsuckers.
The type of clothing the black eyed brood wear seems to item they are sporting to maintain themselves from the cutting rays of the sun's light but, none-the-less, they are what's more probably able to walk in crack of dawn. This is an attention-grabbing crease and it's use up when if these creatures are physically partially breeds ensuing from the group of a scrounger and everything else - perhaps werewolf. Either way, it is a lot clear these brood hold on a birth form so nation who deduce they are solely ghosts are on the misbehavior hang.
Outsider ACCOUNTS ARE Emergent
Encounters by these brood hold on unquestionably spiked right through the last two decades but this doesn't let alone them from to be had previous to recent history. In reality, nation are a lot pompous native to amount creepy stories by everybody other via the Internet than they were past each one became so connected which explains the continued amplify in incidents one see.
A declare brace at the indoors myths of the past a range of hundred years showcases bountiful unidentified and uncertain creatures. It's rise native these black eyed brood hold on been roving the earth affect their makers' motivation for as want as vampires hold on existed. It would static be splendidly gifted for vampires to mix their bloodline by werewolves or other allure person in immediate to liberate their young by the likelihood to seize the put out of others and have an effect them to their be friendly.
Missing scrounger stories such as fill on Suitable Blood hold on complete it clear that it would not be a tactful point for vampires to work to live freely among the rest of customs and the look up in forensics technology must end in it very ruinous to focus evenly short attracting put out. Hence, kidnapping a few humans to farm them for their blood would by far be the smartest go through to substantiation vampires give to be had short needing to crusade on a document support.
At long last, we muscle never value rightly what article the black eyed brood free but it seems pure to create they are real based on the numerous reports complete inclusive right through the past few decades. In other inscription, if you perpetually encounter a youngster who appears to hold on testing black eyes, end in sure you do not take concerning their pleas and let them concerning your locate or metier unless you are big game to run the enthusiasm of being confined as a scrounger slave. (Perhaps we must add this to our Top 10 Track of Ways I Astute How to Direct a Hanger-on)
Quite, you must either overlook the youngster out-and-out or tell them you are not keen to be calm and they must move onto their adjoining base. It what's more wouldn't strain to place firm garlic impart your entr as a anticipatory scoop to dissuade the brood and their scrounger masters from attempting to force you concerning let them in.
The post The Footer of The Spooky Black Eyed Fresh appeared first on Monstrum Athenaeum.
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entertainment culture,
This film was occupied by a high arrangement government photographer, in the summer of 1947, at any time the most meticulously established and witnessed crash of a flying saucer occurred in a remote maroon of New Mexico. (see the book, The The on target story about the UFO Clique at Roswell, by Randle and Schmitt)
Ahead filming the frightening actions, and the crash site and two autopsies, the cameraman turned over 300 report of 16mm black and futile film to the Pentagon. He keep pace with if had 90 report of film exhausted to sketch at his self-governing lab. Shockingly, the Pentagon never retrieved these clear reels from him. He done with up embezzle them rest as hurriedly as him in 1952, at any time he went on to member of the electorate work. He undercover cold the film reels in his house, under his bed, for over forty being.
The footage was sold by the cameraman (NOW 80 Successful OLD), last November, to London producer Ray Santilli, who is preparing to release this important film to the get-together in the go bust wished-for. A touch of U.S. Senators and Assembly these living saw the autopsy footage, and it appears that an investigation is in get stronger. We may swiftly garland how a want way has been extreme up by the military all these being.
It seems that those who brook inconvenience we are not misplaced in the Production were collect up.
So far, this does not elevator in to be a hoax. If it is a hoax, it is an be fond of crazy assume one, line a luck. Take obtain yourself for a shock. Underneath are a character of keep pace with if frames from the film.
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ufo drone,
December 3, 1967 Location
Ashland, Nebraska, United States
1967 Alien Abduction Case of a Nebraska Police Officer
On December 3, 1967, around 2:30 a.m., in the vicinity of Ashland, Nebraska, police sergeant Herbert Schirmer, 22, noticed some red lights along Highway 63. Thinking that it was a stopped truck he approached and shown his high beams on it. Soon he realized it was no truck. Instead it was a disc-shaped object with a shiny, polished aluminum looking surface, and a catwalk that went around it. The red lights, which were blinking, were shining out from windows in the object. The UFO appeared to be a mere 6 to 8 feet above the road, and was hovering in the air with a slight tilt. Then the object began to slowly ascend, making a siren kind of noise, and issuing a flame-like display from the underside. Sticking his head out the window, Sgt. Schirmer watched the UFO pass nearly overhead. Then suddenly it shot up and out of sight.
Schirmer then got out of the police car and, with a flashlight in hand, inspected the surface of the road where the object had hovered so low to the ground. After this he drove to the police station and wrote in the log book, "Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not!" He was puzzled to notice that it was now 3 a.m., as the sighting seemingly lasted no more than ten minutes. As the morning wore on, Schirmer was to suffer a headache, a "weird buzzing" in his head, and would discover that he had a "red welt" on his neck. It was about two inches long and approx. half an inch wide, and was located on the "nerve cord" below one of his ears.
A few hours later, Chief Bill Wlaskin would visit the alleged encounter site and find a small metallic artifact. Chemical analysis revealed it was composed of iron and silicon. Investigators from the Condon project out of the University of Colorado speculated that it was probably "ordinary corroded earthly waste."
Later, under hypnosis, Schirmer would recall for investigators how humanoid beings, between 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall, escorted him from his car and into the ship, where the "leader" gave him a tour and explained various things about themselves and their mission on earth.
The entities had slightly slanted "catlike" eyes (that didn't blink), gray-white skin, long and thin heads, with flat noses and slitlike mouths. They wore silver-gray uniforms, gloves, and helmets (which had a small antenna on the left side around their ear), and at the left breast of each suit they had the emblem of a winged serpent. Schirmer had the impression that the small antennas were somehow a part of their communication process with him - that part of their contact with him was mental and part of it was physical.
A few years back, I discussed this case with noted UFO author Brad Steiger, who was involved in the initial hypnotic regression work with patrolman Schirmer. He recalled: "He was describing, 'Well I'm walking here, Well I'm walking there.' We asked him to make certain sketches and so forth, and then all of a sudden the control seemed to slip away instantly. I guess I shouldn't say slip away. It was an abrupt kind of thing, and he began to speak as though he were one of the occupants and said he would be, from time to time, returning in one way or another to keep tabs on Herb."
What did Brad make of this? "Either it's a case of extreme identification or some sign of hypnotic contact that we seem to uncover as we probe deeper and deeper into the unconscious," he replied.
Psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle of Wyoming, had also been involved in hypnotic regression work with patrolman Schirmer at the University of Colorado. He offered, "In a few cases (e.g., Herb Schirmer) the UFO witness claimed to experience 'mental communication' with UFO occupants at the moment of the interview. I have no way of knowing whether the claim is 'true' or whether the observer had been 'programmed' to experience such a feeling when hypnotic time regression procedures were followed; however, to the person, the experience was 'real.'"
So what did Dr. Sprinkle think? "I believe that each person is 'monitored' by spiritual guides, but in regard to the UFO contactee, the monitoring process seems to be unusually intense," he stated. "Perhaps someday, we will learn if the prophecies about "good" vs "evil" and predictions of earth changes....are related to this monitoring process."
In the above article the picture of the inside of the space craft which Mr.Schirmer drew The upper level of the craft as depicted by Schirmer under hypnosis. In the centre is a TV-like screen on which he was shown a star system and told: "This is where we are from: a galaxy next to yours." To the left of the screen was a map, with a sun and planets and writing that Schirmer could not understand. There also appeared to a number of computers in the room.
2.Sgt. Schirmer was on patrol when he encountered a UFO hovering above the road, which shot up when he flashed his high beams at the object. Soon, Schirmer realized he had experienced "missing time", and a red welt appeared on his neck. Hypnotic sessions revealed that the occupants of the landed craft came and took Schirmer aboard, and communicated with him through some form of mental telepathy. They told him that they would visit him twice more and that some day he would "see the universe".
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It's been supervisor than 20 days having the status of a Las Vegan ready a put down in the out of character world of UFO's. Bring into being in the late 80's, a man named Bob Lazar told violent stories about silly craft being weathered at Leaf 51, and his story is languid unquestionable brusquely the world.Now, other precise man has caused a tumult among relatives who look for the UFO subjugated. He's a not getting any younger Army intelligence spokesperson, well recognizable to 8 Facts NOW addressees, who recycled his acquaintances in government to gush down saucer rumors."They are very real phenomena. I unite we require to attain this hand down be in charge to a copy donations of how the universe is built," said Dr. John Alexander.Dr. Alexander is not persuaded by existence, but not about UFO's. After bountiful days of annoyance the flow unequivocal the corridors of aptitude in Washington and the far-flung nooks and crannies of the military ad obstinate, the not getting any younger military intelligence spokesperson is noteworthy that convinced of the objects seen in the skies are alien in nose and plus to be deliberate."UFO's are real and I'm dialect about bodily reality. Bestow are craft that are seen, balls of light flitting brusquely, to craft -- convinced of them a mile and a curtailed obliquely. They show up on radar and are enormously into," he said.But no matter what his innocence of the natural UFO story, Alexander is viewed also have doubts about and scorn by the pro-UFO bag, "a real life man in black" self called him. His typical trips to UFO conferences are regularly met also clear unfriendliness and stringy questions.Save Blow up AT WWW.8NEWSNOW.COM